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鞭刑是一种酷刑。Caning is one of the cruel tortures.

鞭刑有利于维持社会的秩序。My opinon is caning is good for keeping order of our society.

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他不记得他的童年,学校以及所受过的鞭打。He doesn't remember his childhood, the schools and the caning.

所以,综上所述,我认为鞭刑有利于我们的社会治安。So, in summary , I think caning has advantage for our society.

随着时间的推移,他开始因为我们一点点最微不足道的过错而用手杖打我和我的哥哥们。As time passed, he began caning me and my brothers for the slightest infraction.

在思考西方人眼中“东方”的同时也进行东方自身的反省。The Eart think about what their image in the west while they are caning out self-reflection.

在这一天,一个美国青年将要在新加坡被实行鞭刑。On this day , an American youth was sentenced to caning in Singapore , in this day implement.

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据说,1995年,为了惩罚空头们,马来西亚财政部曾建议使用鞭刑。In 1995 Malaysia's finance ministry reportedly proposed caning as a punishment for abusive shorting.

1993年,在一次军方的诱捕练习中,12名男子在那里被捕入狱并受到鞭刑。In an entrapment exercise in 1993, 12 men were arrested there and sentenced to imprisonment and caning.

新加坡鞭刑极富有争议,国内外对此刑罚误解甚多。Singapore's caning is one of the most disputed judicial punishments in the world, and is often misunderstood to some extent.

违反移民法在有些国家是严重犯罪,就如在马来西亚,其罪行的惩罚包括监禁和鞭笞。Immigration violations are sometimes treated as serious crimes, as in Malaysia, where punishments include imprisonment and caning.

有关新加坡鞭刑制度的争议实质仍然是刑罚的两个基本立场之间的冲突。The controversy on Singapore's caning is vehemence, but its essence is just only some conflicts between the absolutism and the relativism.

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一个人权组织表示,鞭笞作为一种司法惩罚手段在马来西亚已经达到了“流行”的程度,应当被禁止。Caning as a form of judicial punishment in Malaysia has reached "epidemic" proportions and should be banned, according to a human rights group.

面子可以给,那就是优惠两鞭,但是打还得打,否则新加坡就成为美国的一个州了。Singapore can give some face, ie. two less lashes, but the caning must still take place, otherwise Singapore would just be another American state.

一个人权组织表示,鞭笞作为一种司法惩罚手段在马来西亚已经达到了“流行”的程度,应当被禁止。Caning 1 as a form of judicial 2 punishment in Malaysia has reached " epidemic 3" proportions and should be banned, according to a human rights group.

木雕匠和车木工收入之间的差别,绣花女工和织带女工工资不能容忍的微薄,这是大家已经知道的了。We are aware of the conditions that exist in the wood caning and turning trades, the very low wages which are paid to the embroiderers and lace makers.

在圣十字架学校,任何不符合修士标准的行为举止都会受到处罚,通常是鞭打手指。At Holy Cross College, any behaviour that did not conform to the Brothers' notion of proper conduct attracted punishment, usually a caning on the hands.

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我了解,逾期居留或非法工作在新加坡是严重罪行,如果定罪处罚的话,可能会导致强制性的监禁和鞭刑。I am aware that overstaying or working illegally in Singapore is a serious offence and on conviction, the penalties may include mandatory imprisonment and caning.

本人知道,在新加坡逾期居留或非法工作是很严重的罪行,而且罪名成立时的惩罚可能包括强制性监禁和鞭刑。I am aware that overstaying or working illegally in Singapore is a serious offence and on conviction, the penalties may include mandatory imprisonment and caning.

我不理解为何有负面评价存在,有些人抱怨用了外国演员,另一些对政治指手画脚,甚至可怜的导演也挨了板砖。I just cant understand why the really negative reviews abound. Some are cursing it for having foreign actors. Others about the political situation etc. And the poor director is even getting a caning.