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未经审查的盗版碟在街头就能买到。Uncensored bootleg copies are peddled on the streets.

没有。我买的是盗版,没有使用手册?No, I bought a bootleg version, so I don't have a manual.

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他们什么都山寨。我就爱嘲笑那些私卖的玩具。They copy everything. I love laughing at bootleg toys though.

盗版DVD销售猖獗,但是我没有看见电子游戏。Bootleg DVD sales are rampant, but I didn't see any video games.

与此同时,视频游戏公司必须阻止对其游戏的非法制售。Companies, meanwhile, must fend off bootleg versions of their games.

但正真的行动在中国,盗版等成了全民运动。But the real action is in China, wherepressing bootleg media is a national sport.

我们发现了一个藏私酒的地方,我想这个事你知道些什么。We've uncovered a stash of bootleg liquor and I think you know something about it.

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一个音乐电台未经我允许开始播放我的歌,被一家唱片商听到了。A radio station decided to put a bootleg of me on the air and a record label heard it.

盗录可能利润很可观,但是这是偷窃行为。如果你盗录电影,你就是一个罪犯。Bootlegging might be profitable, but it is stealing. If you bootleg a movie, you are a criminal.

现在,很有可能那位可笑的机场雇员也有了一台iphone----或者至少是山寨版。There's a decent chance today that the amused airport employee now owns an iPhone—or at least a fake or bootleg one.

我要带你回去问话。我们已经发现了一个违法烈性酒的藏匿处,我想你可能知道关于它的一些情况。I'm taking you in for questioning. We've uncovered a stash of bootleg liquor and I think you know something about it.

难道重庆人真要扔掉他们的福特嘉年华和iphone水货,而回到毛时代吗?Do the Chinese of Chongqing really want to give up their Ford Fiestas and bootleg iPhones for a return to the Maoist era?

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“黑骑士”的违法盗版和深圳血汗工厂生产路易威登包仅是问题的一部分。Bootleg copies of the “Dark Knight” and Shenzen sweatshops churning out fake Louis Vuitton bags are only part of the problem.

可是上述趋势也导致盗取知识产权的行为增加,从非法下载文件到盗录制品和仿冒产品皆有。But these same trends have also increased intellectual piracy, from illegal file downloads to bootleg recordings to counterfeit products.

这就包括成都的J-10B——中国最现代化的正在生产中的战机,或者说这是一款模仿俄罗斯苏霍伊战机家族的仿制品。That includes the Chengdu J-10B, China'smost modern, in-production fighter, or its bootleg versions of Russia's SukhoiFlanker fighter family.

近些年来,中国却成了远近闻名的造假中心,不论是山寨电影,私造偷卖的包,迪斯尼卡通人物还是杜邦公司的化工产品,无一不假。In recent years, it has grown infamous as counterfeit central, from fake films to bootleg bags, and from Disney characters to DuPont chemicals.

他开始骑着自行车星期天在镇上转着出租走私DVD光碟和最新的好莱坞电影,这些电影都是别人从因特网上下载的。He began bicycling around town on Sundays, renting out bootleg DVDs of the latest Hollywood films, which others had downloaded from the Internet.

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价格上的优势更让装载着联发科芯片、运行着低版本WM或塞班的手机成为大众的宠儿。Bootleg phones, running low-end versions of Windows Mobile or Symbian on Mediatek Chipsets are still easily the most common phones due to their low price.

最近一项研究发现网站提供侵权数字内容或者仿造品比如非法电影下载或非法仿造软件,每年记录达五千三百万起。A recent study found that Web sites offering pirated digital content or counterfeit goods, like illicit movie downloads or bootleg software, record 53 billion hits per year.

由于供电不正常,所以卖发电机,走私汽油和LED灯的生意很好,图中男人拿着的就是一个LED灯。Because of the unreliability of the electricity, business is good for those selling generators, bootleg gasoline and LED lamps, which is what the man on the left is holding.