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复述一个搞笑的笑话。Retell a funny joke.

你能复述这个故事吗?Can you retell the story?

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把这个故事用英语复述一遍。Retell the story in English.

请用英语复述这篇童话故事。Please retell the fairy story in English.

请用自己的话复述这个故事。Please retell the story in your own words.

你能用自己的话复述一遍这个故事吗?Can you retell the story in your own words?

你能用自己的话复述一下这个故事吗?Could you retell the story in your own words?

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露西拉经常要姐姐们把这个故事反复讲给她听。Lucilla often asks her sisters to retell the story.

请复述一下“皇帝的新装”的故事。Please retell the story of "The Emperors New Clothes".

复述一个秋天的清晨在那个岛上发生了什么。Retell what happened on the island one early morning in autumn.

用自己的话讲述“盘古开天辟地”的故事。In your own words, retell the legend, 'The Beginning of the World'

学生能够复述故事并恰当的运用过去时。Students will be able to retell stories using proper past tense verbs.

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教师根据排出的正确顺序,用小黑板呈现一些表示时间概念的词,让学生来复述孔子的生平。Please look at the time on the small blackboard. Try to retell Confucius' life in order.

对程度较差的人,可以先复述原文的中心力想,一句、两句话即可。Poor people of degree, could start to retell the original center force, an, two words can.

这是一个关于无止尽地追求完美的故事,这也是一堂极有价值的人生课程,因此我将用自己的话向你们复述它。And I think it carries a valuable life lesson, so I’d like to retell it to you in my own words.

那时候,不止复述文章,我脑子里一边幻想,一边自言自语的情况的东西多了去了。At that time, more than retell articles, my mind side fantasy, side soliloquize situation thing is much.

读80页上的短文,在词典中查找生词,并简要复述这个故事。Read the short passage on Page 80 and look up the new words in your dictionaries. Retell the story briefly.

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为什么一本书的第二章,要重复一遍第一章说过的故事?so why do you have the second chapter of this book retell the same story that the first chapter of the book told?

“歌德说话”是一个新的文学作品分类概念,指日本古典文学中讲述和歌功德的故事。The Kodokusetsuwa is a new classification of Japanese Literary works which retell the virtues and achievements of Waka.

想当年,人们去看喜剧时能够听到一连串的笑话,还能记录下来,在朋友当中传播、分享。Time was, you could go to a comedy show and hear a string of jokes worth scribbling down to recycle and retell to your friends.