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你们甚至可以从坏的事物中得到些什么。You can get even out of its badness.

好的,那么这里有坏事情发生了。Okay. So that's already some badness happening.

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接下来发生的是即使在这个糟糕的剧里也举世无双的奇观。What followed was a spectacle incomparable in its badness.

所以也许死亡的坏处可忽略不计了。So perhaps in terms of the individual badness of death that's a wash.

可以想到,某些特征可能会降低其坏处,在某种程度上。Conceivably, some of them might reduce the badness of death, in some way.

根据Klopstock所说,死亡最根本的坏处就是失去朋友。According to Klopstock,the crucial badness of death is losing your friends.

我说过我并不想贬低其主要坏处。And as I say,I don't in any way want to belittle the central badness of that.

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一部电影的恶劣程度和它里面的直升飞机的数量成正比。The badness of a movie is directly proportional to the number of helicopters init.

这才是死亡的主要坏处,我就将集中讨论这个。That's the central badness of death and that's the one I'm going to have us focus on.

轴承工作表面的磨削变质层的检验及控制方法。Testing and controlling methods of grinding badness layer of bearings working surface.

毫无疑问,好人做的最不好的事,则是使得坏人显得这么坏。Certainly the greatest harm they do is that they make badness of such extraordinary importances.

环境因素包括营养因素、体育运动、健康行为、不良嗜好等。Environmental factors included nutrition factor, sports, healthy behavior, badness hobby and so on.

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这里的坏处不仅仅是分离,因为在故事一我们就已经经历过分离了。And the badness for him isn't just a matter of separation, because that we already had in number one.

这是否是某种增加了死亡坏处的事物,或者是否多少减小了些死亡的重要性?Is that something that increases the badness of death, ? or does it reduce its significance somewhat?

对3年新生入学体检数据按年度、性别、年龄、民族进行视力不良率的统计分析。We analyse sight badness rate by check-up data at year, sex, age and folk on new students by 3 years.

制度是一个国家的灵魂,制度的先进与落后决定一个国家的兴衰成败。A system is the soul of a nation. System's goodness or badness decides a country's success or failure.

我们第一个要研究的问题就是,死亡的坏处。And the first question we're going to be focusing on is just this, the question of the badness of death.

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因此主减速器总成质量的好坏直接影响到汽车总体质量。Host reduction gear assembly mass goodness and badness direct effect therefore to automobile population mass.

你弄明白我们所问的关于死亡的坏处的,这类问题,不管是什么。You get clear about the kinds of questions we've just been asking about the badness of death, whatever that is.

好了,我已经谈了,几个星期,关于死亡的坏处。All right. So I've been talking for, actually now a couple of weeks I suppose, about the central badness of death.