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我非常想念她。I miss her terribly.

冷得邪乎It is terribly cold.

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我非常想念她。I missed her terribly.

我的伤口痛得厉害。My wound smarts terribly.

真对不起,一点儿也没剩。Terribly sorry, nothing left.

我真的很抱歉,老朋友们。I'm terribly sorry, old chaps.

蜜蜂蜇得很疼。The bee-sting smarted terribly.

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这伤害了帕特里夏尼尔可怕。This hurt Patricia Neal terribly.

这看起极其不舒服。This looks terribly uncomfortable.

真起,我打碎了你的玻璃杯。Terribly sorry, I broke your glass.

但贸易流动严重一面倒。But trade flows are terribly lopsided.

这几天热得利害。It's been terribly hot these few days.

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我对那件事感到非常抱歉。NO04,5. I am terribly sorry about that.

所以费用十分昂贵So,it's going to be terribly expensive.

但事实上,这个文段大错特错。But in fact, it has gone terribly wrong.

对于给您带来的不便,我深感抱歉。I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.

我非常担心货物迟交。I’m terribly worried about late shipment.

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然而,这并非十分意外之事。This is not terribly surprising, however.

对于给您带来的不便之处我深感抱歉。I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience.

这个坏消息使我的思想混乱极了。The bad news tangled my thoughts terribly.