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猪常常在泥里打滚。Pigs often welter in the mud.

对于未来的计划,Welter告诉InfoQAs for future plans, Welter tells InfoQ

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妈妈对他的儿子说不要沉溺于享乐和闲逸之中。Mother told her son not to welter in pleasure and idleness.

至于在开发Playr方面遇到的挑战,Welter谈到With respect to the challenges encountered during the development of Playr, Welter shares

一小截短粗的磁天线安装在汽车顶端。该套装置性能良好,但用户要想把杂乱无章的线路隐藏起来,就需要聘请专家了。The kit worked fine, but you'd need to hire an expert to hide the welter of wires it spawns.

这样一来,你就可以在需要的时候查看重要的电子邮件,而不必打开一堆重叠的窗口。That way you can consult key emails when you need them without opening a welter of overlapping windows.

过去在训练场的残酷战斗里,不知有多少雄心勃勃的拳手都在他身上练习过这种吃人的攻击。Too Many aspiring champions, in the cruel welter of the training camps, had practised this Man-eating attack on him.

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不论是在医药方面或是地景方面,物理诊断都是将重大细项从不相关的细节中筛选出来的一种艺术。Physical diagnosis, in medicine, in landscape, is the art of culling the significant from a welter of irrelevant detail.

人们正在寻求其他诸多选择,从镁基电池,到那些使用硅而非碳阳极的电池。A welter of other options are being pursued, from magnesium-based batteries to those that use silicon rather than carbon anodes.

花了一个晚上写了一篇文笔飞扬的征友启事,第二天她便在BBS上发文征男友。Spent a night writing a lonely heart pen of the welter of notices, the next day she issued a document imposed on her boyfriend in the BBS.

就在上周,一则公开质疑气候变化和人类工业活动相关的混淆视听的报道出现在英国的报刊中。Last week, a welter of stories that openly doubted any link between climate change and humanity's industrial actions appeared in the British press.

海面背景下海面及连绵起伏的波浪反光使图像的信噪比和对比度都较低,而且舰船目标像素较少。The targets SNRand contrast are very low when the target is in the sea background in which there are sea waves and the reflexing light from the stretch welter.

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如今太阳在弗林特河对岸的群山后面一起汹涌的红霞中缓缓降落,四月白天的温暖也渐渐消退,隐隐透出丝丝的凉意。Now that the sun was setting in a welter of crimson behind tin lulls across the Flint River, the warmth of the April day was ebbing into a faint but balmy chill.

此轮上涨在辞旧迎新之际折戟沉沙,因为有大量证据显示美国经济正在放缓,而中国和印度的股市也骤然下跌。This rally foundered at the turn of the year, under a welter of evidence of a slowing economy in the US, while the stock markets of China and India suddenly fell.