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内住的圣灵是我们在主里新身份的保证。Our guaranty of new identity is the indwelling Spirit.

总监提交各投标公司担保金情况。CEO submits guaranty fund conditions of every bidding company.

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多重品牌选货店本身对消费者就是一个保证。The select boutique as a brand is a kind of guaranty for customers.

请出示治安处罚裁决书和担保书。Show me the written ruling on the punishment and the guaranty , please.

宪法是国家大法,是公民权利的保障书,建设法治国家必须依宪治国。Constitution is fundamental law of the state and guaranty of civil rights.

作为“舶来品”,保证保险在中国学术界引起诸多争议。As a "foreign goods", guaranty insurance has mush disputes about its nature.

只有项目公司违约或破产时,贷款人才可接管项目公司的全部资产,行使担保权。The loaner can take over all of asset of the project company and use his guaranty rights.

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关于其性质的争议正是由于我国的担保法的规定所引起的。The controversy on its nature results from the regulations in Guaranty Law of our country.

中国保险界对保证保险的认识存在诸多误区。There are misunderstandings about the guaranty insurance existing in our insurance circles.

本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。The modes of guaranty as provided by this Law are suretyship , mortgage, pledge, lien and deposit.

当然,关于银行没收房屋抵押的搜索也在大幅增长。Of course, the search that confiscates building guaranty about the bank also is in grow considerably.

金融政策上涉及优惠贷款、贷款担保、资金跨区流动、投资基金等。To banking policies, there are favor of loan, guaranty of loan, flow of fund, fund of invest and so on.

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然而,人权司法保障是无条件的,再大的困难也要克服。However, the judicial guaranty of human rights is unconditional, and shall not he hurdled by any troubles.

保证人为二人以上的,相互之间负连带保证责任。In case there are two or more guarantors, they shall undertake guaranty liabilities jointly and severally.

投标保证金可以采用现金支票、银行汇票、银行保函等形式交纳。The guaranty bond for bidding may be paid in the form of cash, check, bank drafts , bank guaranty letter, etc.

安全保障义务人承担责任后,可以向第三人追偿。The obligor for security guaranty may, after bearing the liabilities, claim compensation from the third person.

出境游组团社为了规避风险,向游客收取所谓的出境游保证金。To evade the risks, the outbound travel services receive the guaranty money of outbound travel from the tourist.

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第十五条膍经济合同当事人一方要求保证的,可由保证人担保。Article 15 If one party to an economic contract requests a guaranty, such guaranty may be provided by a guarantor.

该方法以确保压缩机具有较高的容积及机械效率为限制条件。In this method, the guaranty of higher volumetric and mechanical efficiency is regarded as the confined condition.

所以,现代设计师几乎能够完全保证一个能够正常表现的滑翔伞从计算机中“飞”出来!However, nowadays, a designer can almost guaranty that a paraglider will fly "properly" straight out of the computer.