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英国圣公会宗教大会。The general synod of the church of england.

再一个主教拒绝图标,另外,随著资讯科技,保卫他们。Again one synod rejects icons, and another, following it, defends them.

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这也可能意味着威廉王子和凯特•米德尔顿的婚姻将是不合法的,除非英国国教会总会议昨日通过的法律变更能够获得皇室的同意并在明年四月婚礼举行前成为法律。Synod , yesterday win Royal Assent and pass into law before the wedding day next April.

主教会议英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似。但只在被。A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.

宗教会议要求这样的领袖忏悔或停止公共职务,不要再对人们进行蹂躏。The synod calls on such people to repent or quit the public arena and stop causing havoc to the people.

关于圣血玫瑰对镇压者的使用的争论最早出现于在地球举行的第291次宗教会议上。The issue came to a head when the 291st synod prior is of terra debated the use of the Repressor by the Order of Sacred Rose.

两位红衣主教边开玩笑边走入宗教会堂准备参加红衣教会议,这个红衣主教集合的会议作用是献策于教皇。Swapping pleasantries, two cardinals prepare to enter the Synod Hall for a consistory, an assembly of cardinals that advises the pope.

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那次会议是在圣母院举行的,一八一一年六月十五日,在红衣主教斐许主持下,召开了第一次会议。This synod was held at Notre-DamE, and assembled for the first time on the 15th of June, 1811, under the presidency of Cardinal Fesch.

但是,自动清除像这个婚礼一样遇到的障碍,将会导致教规的正式更改,而这种改变已引起了宗教会议的忿怒。But the prospect of a formal change in Church law, automatically clearing the way of wedding like this one, has caused anger in the Synod.

在公元664年,就在伊德弗里德开始动笔之前几十年,曾经有个目前被人们称为惠特比宗教会议的大型集会。In the year 664, only a few decades before Eadfrith sat down with pen in hand, there had been a big meeting now known as the Synod of Whitby.

他是获教宗邀请出席零五年世界主教会议的四位大陆主教之一,可是无法成行。He was one of the four mainland prelates who were invited by the pope to the World Synod of Bishops in 2005, although he was unable to attend.

“教会谴责自杀行为,并禁止为自杀者举行宗教葬礼,”教会权力机构神圣宗教会议的一位发言人说。"The church condemns suicide and has banned church burials for those who take their lives" said a spokesman for the holy synod the church ruling body.

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但是参加最高教会会议的主教以及神职人员坚决反对为了让神父们穿着更随意而修订教会法规。But bishops and clergy in the church's General Synod gave a resounding thumbs down to proposals to amend church law to allow ministers to dress more casually.

本馆余敏聪馆长应邀出席领奖及分享,并由钟礼贤师范及周祥泰师范带领学员于现场表演。President Yu Mun Chung award were invited to attend and share the minutes and weeks Synod Xiangtai Teachers Teachers lead the students in the live performances.

虽然,宣教士及中华信义会总会的领袖们常在口头上宣称「中华信义会已经独立了」,但从来没有受到正式的承认。However, while missionaries and Chinese synodical leaders had often spoken of how the Chinese synod is independent, no formal acknowledgment of this had been made.

第一个法国胡格诺派团体建立于1546年,1559年首次集会中起草的信仰告白受到了喀尔文理念的影响。The first French Huguenot community was founded in 1546, and the confession of faith drawn up by the first synod in 1559 was influenced by the ideas of John Calvin.

他修理,不过,公众的丑闻,他所给予的真诚收回取得了在场的罗马教皇格雷戈里七,在主教在罗马举行的1079个,死亡调和送到教堂。He repaired, however, the public scandal he had given by a sincere retractation made in the presence of Pope Gregory VII at a synod held in Rome in 1079, and died reconciled to the Church.

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我们乐意让步,如果要讨论任何的教义,最好且最安全的方案是召集一个由真正的监督所组成的会议,来检查这些有争议的教义。We indeed willingly concede, if any discussion arises over doctrine, that the best and surest remedy is for a synod of true bishops to be convened, where the doctrine at issue may be examined.

协会目的在于使教会摆脱外国传教差会的控制,从而建立和发展真正意义上的本色化的合一教会。The aim of the Synod consisted in enabling the church to get rid of the control of the foreign mission, and thereby to establish and develop indigenousness and united church in its proper sense.

他将在首都雅温德举行一场露天集会,他将概述今年晚些时候在非洲举行的宗教大会这一项目。He will hold an open-air mass in the capital Yaounde and he'll outline the program for a Synod on Africa to be held later this year. Our religious affairs correspondent Christopher Landau reports.