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首都加波罗内,弗朗西斯城为最大城市。Gaborone is the capital and Francistown the largest city.

波扎那总统,塞雷茨·卡马·伊恩·卡马的前任,在哈勃罗内的办公室里。The President of Botswana, former Lt Gen Ian Khama, in his office in Gaborone.

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一天,哈博罗内的政府官员召集马克和迪丽娅开会。One day, government officials in Gaborone summoned Mark and Delia to a meeting.

设在哈博罗内的博茨瓦纳国立兽医学实验室无法鉴别这种疾病。The Botswana National Veterinary Laboratory in Gaborone has been unable to identify the disease.

在哈博罗内的人多住在一栋一栋的房子里,而我在那里做培训也被安排住在一所有3间客房的房子!People stay in house, but not apartment in Gaborone. And I was given a chalet with 3 bedrooms to stay in as well!

在博茨瓦纳,建筑公司带来的中国工人已经在首都哈博罗内拥有数百家店铺。In Botswana, Chinese workers brought in by construction companies now own hundreds of shops in the capital, Gaborone.

保安人员突击搜查了一些在哈博罗内的中国企业,并拘捕了一些非法中国移民。Security agents raided a number of Chinese businesses in Gaborone and arrested a number of illegal Chinese immigrants.

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专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供成都到哈博罗内特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Chengdu friends to provide special fares to Gaborone.

而且这些书有写在哈博罗内设立并具有电视系列产品在这里生产,这是真正把旅游地图哈博罗内。And having these books written about and set in Gaborone and having the television series produced here, that's really put Gaborone on the tourist map.

这项发现报告给了野生生物与国家公园司,后者收集了死鱼样本并把它们提供给了设在哈博罗内的实验室进行测试。The discovery was reported to the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, which collected samples of dead fish and passed them to the laboratory in Gaborone for tests.

哈博罗内国际执法学院提供有关反恐、犯罪调查、案例管理、打击有组织犯罪活动、证据处理以及其他执法方面的课程。ILEA Gaborone provides courses on counter-terrorism, criminal investigation, case management, fighting organized crime, evidence handling, and other aspects of law enforcement.

博茨瓦纳,贝专纳兰德非洲中南部国家,是1885年后的英国的保护国,1966年完全获得独立。首都加波罗内,弗朗西斯城为最大城市。人口973,000。A country of south-central Africa. A British protectorate after 1885, it gained full independence in 1966. Gaborone is the capital and Francistown the largest city. Population, 973,000.

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哈博罗内国际执法学院为来自29个非洲国家的警察开设反恐怖主义、刑事调查、案件管理、证据处理等执法领域的课程。ILEA Gaborone provides courses on counter-terrorism, criminal investigation, case management, evidence handling, and other aspects of law enforcement to police from 29 African countries.