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政客们炫耀着肮脏的财富。Politicians flaunting obscene wealth.

那本书与其说是猥亵的,倒不如说是活泼地。The book is racy rather than obscene.

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我们用哔哔声消除丑角式人物的污秽的台词。We bleeped the comedian's obscene lines.

肉体刚一成熟,他就变得淫猥了。As soon as his body developed he became obscene.

谢天谢地他们把那些脏话都删掉了Thank goodness they took away that obscene word.

影片中的淫秽部分应予删除。The obscene part of the film should be censored.

要知道这多耽搁的两天可是受虐的两天哦,能让你惊出一身冷汗。Two months is an obscene amount of time if you ask me.

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最近我们接到许多猬亵的电话。We've been getting a lot of obscene phone calls lately.

因为我的内心已破碎,我的碎片,强烈而恶心。Cuz I'm broken inside, pieces of me, intense and obscene.

我是什么人,竟能说你们比我更卑污?Who am I that I should call you more obscene than myself?

还有那无趣肥胖的将军把我们年轻的血液弄脏。That fat slow generals are getting obscene on young blood.

她使用下流的语言是很失礼的事。Her use of obscene language offends against the proprieties.

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他暧昧的唱着那有挑逗性的歌词的时候,眼睛得意地往上看着。He rolled his eyes as his tongue caressed the obscene lyrics.

电视节目中的粗鄙词语已用哔哔声消除了。The obscene words in the television programmes were bleeped out.

那些带有进攻性的长篇大论的人——种族主义者,厌恶女人的人,猥亵的人——则是例外。Offensive rants—racist, misogynist, or obscene — are an exception.

美国的A-OK手势在许多欧洲文化中被认为是一种下流手势。American A-OK sign is an obscene gestures in many cultures of Europe.

每个人为了娱乐挥霍了很多钱,浪费了很多食物。Everyone wasted obscene amounts of money, food, EVERYTHING -- for fun

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她躺在那里,身上什么都没盖,她的断腿看上去几乎有些猥亵。She lay with the covers off her, and the stump looked obscene to him.

你可不应该为迎合某些人的低级趣味而写这些乌七八糟的东西。You shouldn't write such obscene things to humour their dirty interests.

但政府很快发动了一场反淫秽出版物的战役。But the government soon launched a campaign against obscene publications.