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我的牙齿又痛起来了。My tooth is aching up again.

现在我的肌肉好痛。My muscles are aching already.

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雨珠刺疼了我双眼。The rain-beads were aching my eyes.

整整一夜,我心中辗转不安。Thru the night my heart was aching.

这时,我把走痛了的脚伸入溪中。I put my aching feet into the stream.

背部酸疼、脖子僵硬、手腕疼痛?Sore back, stiff neck, aching wrists?

她感到他在按摩她酸痛的肌肉。She felt him knead the aching muscles.

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他心中有悲痛的空虚感.There was an aching void in his heart.

他用软膏揉擦发痛的双腿。He rubbed his aching legs with liniment.

她渴望参加比赛。She is aching to join in the tournament.

还有我灵巧戏法背后阵阵作痛的空虚。The aching hollowness in sleight of hand.

他遭受了强烈的牙痛。He suffered torments from his aching teeth.

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心痛的时候吃止痛片有效吗?Aching when eat acetanilide piece effective?

一次舒适的按摩可缓减您肌肉的酸痛。A good massage will ease your aching muscles.

我顿时跌倒在地,浑身酸痛。I suddenly fell to the ground, aching all over.

更糟糕的是这个星期一我的背开始痛。What’s worse my back started aching this Monday.

他发烧、浑身酸痛,并伴有干咳。He has a fever, aching muscles and hacking cough.

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您是连续感到疼痛的那种痛,还是感到一阵一阵的绞痛那种痛呢?Is it an aching type pain or is it a colicky pain?

这种鬼天气让我的关节很痛。This weather plays the devil with my aching joints.

我应该肌肉酸痛到甚至都不能动了。I should be a mass of aching muscle, unable to move.