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墨水被吸墨纸吸干了。The ink was absorbed by the blotter.

听众都在聚精会神地听着。The audience are absorbed in listening.

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该帝国吞并了许多小国。The empire absorbed many small nations.

毛巾吸收了洗脸池里的水。The towel absorbed water from the sink.

那大公司并吞了那小公司。The larger firm absorbed the smaller one.

有兴趣或吸收,痴迷滴。Be interested or absorbed in, obsessively.

他像吸水纸吸墨水一般吸取知识。He absorbed knowledge as a blotter does ink.

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造模型船使他聚精会神。Making a model ship absorbed him completely.

它要么应该被吸收,或者被香波洗掉。It either has to be absorbed or shampooed out.

随着吸收剂量的增大,凝胶含量增加。The gel fraction increases with absorbed dose.

我太专心看书而坐过站了。I was so absorbed in the book, I missed my stop.

这些小公司被大企业联盟兼并了。The small firms were absorbed into large cartels.

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他专心致志于这项工作,到了废寝忘餐的地步。Absorbed in the work, he neglected food and sleep.

矿质元素在动物性食品中更容易获得。Minerals are more easily absorbed from animal foods.

它是很好闻的草的味道,并且吸收很快。It has a pleasant comfrey smell and is absorbed fast.

优化集热板的太阳能吸收。Optimizes the solar energy absorbed by the collector.

市场吸纳了我们所能生产的全部电脑。The market absorbed all the computers we could build.

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松软的地面可能减轻了一部分冲击力。The soft ground may have absorbed some of the impact.

我们都深深地沉浸在幸福的回忆中。All of us were deeply absorbed in happy reminiscences.

血红素铁更容易吸收比非血红素铁。Haem iron is more readily absorbed than non-haem iron.