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拿到文凭等所有证书。and I'm going to get my credential and everything.

而身为律师的奥德松不符合这项要求。Mr. Oddsson, a lawyer, doesn't have that credential.

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凭证获取特定于安全机制。Credential acquisition is security mechanism-specific.

此登录信息在凭据库中捕获。This login information is captured in a credential store.

很多州也要求K-12教师持有教师证。Most states also require a teaching credential for K-12 teachers.

很多州也要求K-12教师持有教师证。Most states also require a teaching credential for K-12 teachers.

在凭据过期之后,服务器将请求客户端进行一次新的连接。Once the credential expires, the server asks the client for a fresh connection.

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凭证可以是从简单的密码到复杂的加密密钥的任何东西。A credential can be anything from simple password to a complex cryptographic key.

毫无疑问,常春藤联盟的证书会是你履历上的精彩一笔。An Ivy League credential will be a big plus for you on your resume – no question.

您必须找到一种安全的方法来存储和检索这些敏感的凭据信息。You must find a secure way to store and retrieve the sensitive credential information.

时间戳和窗口一起来确定凭据的过期时间。Together, the timestamp and the window determine the expiration time of the credential.

您必须找到一种安全的方法来存储和检索这些敏感的凭据信息。You must find a secure way to store and retrieve this sensitive credential information.

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于是,清国第一任海外公使递交国书的过程就结束了。Hence, pure country the first term oversea minister present credential of the process ended.

该方案具有单轮证书交换、较小的网络开销等特性。This scheme has many features of the one-round credential exchange, and little network cost.

通过唐宋至明清时期的文学作品分析得知,有些人还将获取铁券作为自己的奋斗目标。In the Ming Dynasty, it was based on the iron credential which awarded to QianLiu at the end Tang.

想要到现场报道的记者必须有一个有效记者证来进场。Reporters wishing to attend the conference in-person must have a valid press credential for access.

消防工程专业学历教育是培养专业消防人才的主要途径。Credential education on fire fighting engineering is the main approach to train qualified personnel.

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如前所述,用户的凭据信息不会在多次会话间存储和记忆。As mentioned earlier, the user’s credential information is not stored and remembered across sessions.

说白了,‘我有一个犹太研究的硕士学位’,当你在市场上的时候拥有什么样的文凭是更好的?To say, ‘I have a master’s in Jewish studies, ’ what better credential to have when you are on the market?

所述KEK可以随后被所述PC使用以获取用于建立对企业服务器的安全访问的证书。The KEK may later be used by the PC to obtain a credential used to establish secure access to Enterprise servers.