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浅小麦色到红小麦色。Light wheaten to red wheaten.

黑色、小麦色或许带有其他颜色的斑点。Black, wheaten or brindle of any color.

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它通常是有馅的半圆形的麦制食品。It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing.

它是一种用小麦制成的有馅料的食物,通常呈半圆状。It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing.

他在部队曾做过伙夫,所以非常会做面食甜点。He worked as the cook in the army, so he was adept at preparing wheaten food.

它广泛用于舰船、宾馆、食堂及面食制品加工场等部门。It is widely used in ships, hotels, canteens and wheaten food processing spaces.

一是小麦联合收获机械的发展有了新突破。The development that is machinery of wheaten combination results had new breakthrough.

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杂色是红色或土黄色里混以不同比例的黑色、蓝色或红褐色。Grizzle is a blend of red or wheaten intermixed in varying proportions with black, blue or liver.

右腋下的皮肤一直有火烧式的疼痛请问是什么病啊?。Right what disease is the ache that alar skin has type of baked wheaten cake all the time excuse me?

本文是对加拿大小麦产业的综述,以及对其未来变化的展望。The article is the overview of wheaten to Canada industry, and look into to what its did not change.

不论是在比赛场还是在繁殖领域,这只特殊的麦色犬的影响力都是不容小觑的!The influence of this special Wheaten is not to be underestimated in the show ring or the whelping box!

他显著的特点就在于其柔软、丝状、稍有波浪的被毛,柔和的小麦色,以及他特有的温和气质。He is distinguished by his soft, silky, gently waving coat of warm wheaten color and his particularly steady disposition.

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农业专家说,他们对最近因俄罗斯干旱和小麦出口禁令导致的小麦价格上涨并不担心。Some experts on agriculture point out that the do not concern about the rise of wheaten due to the drought in Russia and export ban.

而米饭、面食、肉食等含淀粉及蛋白质成分的食物,则需要在胃里停留一段时间。But rice, wheaten food, meat and so on including starch and protein ingredient food, then needs to pause period of time in the stomach.

黑麦面包带给你好事,大麦面包带给你无灾,小麦面包甜润你的血液,燕麦面包使你的双臂有力。Rye bread will do you good, barley bread will do you no harm, wheaten bread will sweeten your blood, oaten bread will strengthen your arm.

南瓜营养价值较高,除做成汤、糊外,还可以煮粥、蒸食、熬制、煮饭等。Pumpkin nutrition value is higher, outside dividing make it soup, paste, still can boil congee, steamed wheaten foods, boil make, cook etc.

今年不仅继续实行大豆、小麦良种补贴试点,而且水稻每亩还贴补10到15元。Continue to execute wheaten and soja, thoroughbred allowance not only this year pilot, and paddy still is subsidized every mus 10 go to 15 yuan.

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日本特色面食“乌冬面”是由中国传入的唐子发展起来的,赞岐的乌冬面最为有名,其制作方法独特,面业发展经历了三次高潮。Udon noodle in Sanuki is most popular and famous for its unique producing method and wheaten food in Japan has undergone prosperities three times.

点心的形状可谓是千姿百态、肖物象形,极大地丰富了我国点心的品种。Light refreshments have infinite variety of shapes and pictographs, which has greatly enriched the kinds and categories of our country's wheaten food.

巧克力、小麦面圈、海产品、干果可以增强神经系统的协调性,是上网时的最佳小零食。Product of circle of chocolate, wheaten face, sea, dried fruit can enhance neurological harmonious sex, it is the optimal small snacks when getting online.