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他是个精明的政客。He is a shrewd politician.

精明泼妇的软皮鞋。The shrewd shrew's suede shoes.

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他是个能敏锐察识人性的人。He's a shrewd reader of human nature.

耶尔迅速而机警地看了他一眼。Yale shot him a quick, shrewd glance.

他是个夺目有钱的买卖人。He was a shrewd and wealthy business-man.

他昨天狠狠打了他儿子一下。He whanged his son a shrewd one yesterday.

她是出色的飞行员和贤明的领导者。She is a capable pilot, and a shrewd leader.

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你们想我当个老奸巨猾的律师——嘿,对了!You wanted me to be a shrewd lawyer-- oh, yes!

他本质上是一位机敏的指挥官。He was essentially a shrewd commanding officer.

兰德,在另一方面,则措辞相当精明。Rand, on the other hand, was rhetorically shrewd.

他固然是个好色的纨绔子弟,但身手矫捷,精明能干。He is a lewd of a dandy, but admits skill, shrewd.

我变得十分富有,由于我做了一些精明的投资。I became very rich by making some shrewd investments.

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乔丹·贝克本能地回避聪明机警的男人。Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever, shrewd men.

世上的残暴铁蹄下的错误,和精明的手伤。The world's brute ox-heel wrong, and shrewd hand-harm.

虽然汤姆才十多岁,可是讨价还价却很在行。Though still in his teens, Tom is shrewd at a bargain.

所以你们要灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子。Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

大家都知道她是一个刁蛮的丫头。It is known to all that she is a shrewd and obstinate girl.

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巴臣不只才貌兼备,还有精明的生意头脑。Bachchan is beautiful, talented and also shrewd in business.

杜洛埃不够精明,看不出这么做太没有策略了。Drouet was not shrewd enough to see that this was not tactful.

这样的他看去城府深、阴沈。但我还是喜欢他留长发。He looks shrewd and gloomy. I'm still glad he has a long hair.