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你看,当她们属意于维纳斯的时候。Thy looks when they to Venus did ascribe.

要将耶和华的名所当得的荣耀归给他。Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name.

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赋予哈尔恐惧感,这似乎也是自然而然It seems perfectly natural to ascribe fear to Hal.

消极"用在机器人身上,似乎再自然不过Seems natural to ascribe depression to Marvin, the robot.

把发生的一切归咎于战争是错误的。It's wrong to ascribe all that have happen simply to the war.

训练的基本理念,我归结为是操作条件反射。The basic philosophy that I ascribe to is operant conditioning.

对于那些把坏的意图归咎于它的人来说,Google似乎有点让人迷惑不解。Google seems mystified by those who ascribe bad intentions to it.

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所以我认为,这应归入二元论者的立场So that's I think the position that we ought to ascribe to the dualist.

一些人把这些归因于泥泞的海岸和高矿物质含量。Some ascribe healing powers to the muddy shores and mineral-rich salts.

货币至上论者可能会将整个上涨归因于低利率。The Monetary Maniacs may ascribe the entire move to low interest rates.

1382年,ascribe的一个意思是把账记到会计簿里。In 1382 one of the meanings of ascribe was to write into an accounts book.

我只能把他们这种不平常的行为,认定为我是一个外国人的缘故。I can only ascribe this uncommon behaviour of theirs to my being a foreigner.

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我要将所知道的从远处引来,将公义归给造我的主。I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.

民中的万族阿,你们要将荣耀能力归给耶和华,都归给耶和华。Ascribe to the Lord , O families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.

但是好的游戏至少能成为真正的文化价值观,我们要归咎于战争。But good games can at least be true to some of the cultural values we ascribe to war.

那么那些相信有来世的人认为死人具有精神敏锐力也不足为奇。That those who believe in an afterlife ascribe mental acuity to the dead is hardly surprising.

但就其本质而言,这种国家间的资本流动很难单独归咎于某一个国家。But by their nature, these capital flows among nations are hard to ascribe to one country alone.

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很多女人都归属于一种“修复它”模式的感情关系,那么还能有什么会比修复一个坏男孩更好的呢?Many women ascribe to the "fix-it" style of relationship, and what better to fix than a bad boy?

但是,我最终还是在路途中发现了我的梦之乡。我把这归功于我坚忍不拔的意志和不放弃的艰苦路途。Whereas I finally find my dreamed place on my way, I ascribe it to my fortitude will and hard walk.

尽管也许有人会说,蔬菜本身并不需要给它抹黑,我把这一情况归之于多年来吃冰淇淋的缘故。While some may say vegetables don't need any help looking bad, I ascribe it to years of eating ice cream.