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不要再混夜子!No more fooling around!

没人在愚弄他们。Nobody is fooling them.

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男孩子们在瞎胡闹。The boys are fooling around.

华安,你又在捉弄人了?!Wah On, are you fooling others?

但是他们是在糊弄他们自己吗?But are they fooling themselves?

韩佳,你又在跟我开玩笑吧。Han Jia, you are fooling me again.

是你停止开玩笑的时候了。It's time for you to stop fooling.

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你最近在哪里鬼混?Where have you been fooling around?

他是如何瞒过他妻子的?How did he gets by with fooling his wife?

韩佳,你可真会捉弄人。Han Jia, you are so good at fooling people.

她一直和一个有妇之夫鬼混。She's been fooling around with a married man.

不要浪费时间了,你们有正经活要干。Stop fooling about,you have serious work to do.

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他经常和那些不良分子鬼混。He's often fooling around with those ill figures.

韩佳,我发现你也学会蒙人了吧。Han Jia, I find you're also good at fooling others.

他们通过怒吼和执着得到他们想要的东西。They get what they want by bellowing and no fooling.

鲍勃粗心大意,用快刀把自己割伤了。Bob cut himself by fooling around with a sharp knife.

我们得遵纪和耐心,因为这一切也不总是游戏人生和无所事事。It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around.

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我将不熬夜学习,工作或四处游荡I won’t stay up late studying, working or fooling around.

有了点血汗钱就游手好闲,那是自寻烦恼。Fooling around with hard-earned savings is asking for trouble.

然而,大部分的展品就是要愚弄观者。In most of the show, however, fooling the viewer is the focus.