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然而正直者是火焰和燃料!The just, however, are fervour and fuel!

他自己的眼睛闪烁着狂乱的激情。His own eyes shone with a maniacal fervour.

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他还保留着战争年代的革命朝气。He still retains the revolutionary fervour of the war years.

1848年,欧洲大陆爆发革命热情。In 1848, revolutionary fervour broke across continental Europe.

即使马萨也对自己在昏迷之后如此快就重获热情而有点惊讶。Even Massa looks briefly stunned by his own fervour so soon after the coma.

会议的气氛也彻底浇灭了任何可能存在过的理想主义热情。The surroundings helped extinguish any idealistic fervour that might have existed.

无论在公众面前还是在私下,他都能以同样热忱说‘上帝保佑美国’。He was able to say 'God Bless America' with equal fervour in public and in private.

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他对这种新的生活方式的兴趣愈来愈浓,因此在行动上他尽量地表现出来年轻人的热心。As his interest mounted in his new life, Chueh-hui's youthful fervour knew no bounds.

的确,吴慧菁的热忱与激情正不断鼓舞着身边的人。Indeed, Mrs Goh's fervour and enthusiasm has had a positive effect on those around her.

他怀着满腔的爱国之情,写下了许多颂诗,表达了他对国家对民族的顾虑。With patriotic fervour he produced many odes showing his concern for his country and people.

从评论语气上看,此类评论多是“姑妄言之”,侃侃而谈,点到为止。From the perspective of the comment mood, the commentator often speaks with fervour and assurance.

爱国热情和经济增长有助于遏制国内不满者的动荡。Patriotic fervour and a surging economy will help to keep a lid on unrest by domestic malcontents.

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我们没有害羞、胆怯和恐惧,因为我们的主要目的就是沉浸在我们自己的狂热当中。Of bashfulness, diffidence or fear we had none, our main object being to bask in the heat of our own fervour.

科克尔夫人是一个极度虔诚的宗教信徒,她的每句话几乎都要提到上帝。She was a person of quite extraordinary cheery religious fervour -- in almost every sentence she referred to the Lord.

但对于所有这些答案提示的热情,一个世界性宗教的信念也不能完全排除老式的怀旧之情。But for all the fervour that these answers suggest, belief in a world religion does not exclude nostalgia for older ways.

夜复一夜,我怀着从未有过的虔诚祈祷着,“上帝啊,请别让我再尿床了!Night after night I prayed, with a fervour never previously attained in my prayers, ‘Please God, do not let me wet my bed!

奥斯塔普扶她坐上马鞍,她的带着手套的手还留在他的手里,他禁不住热情地吻了吻。Ostap helped her into the saddle. Her gloved hand rested in his and he could not restrain himself from kissing it with fervour.

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尽管也许没有多少热情,制片人还是希望新片能进展顺利一点,比它的前集少受点批评,。Producers will be hoping – though perhaps not with much fervour – that the new film fares better with critics than its predecessor.

来自伊朗的移民谴责伊朗当局的宗教狂热.Vietnamese with Buddhist flags decried their government's impiety, while émigrés from Iran deplored their rulers' religious fervour.

克莱尔不仅外面受到热气的灼烤,而且内心里也为了温柔沉静的苔丝受到越来越强烈的激情的压迫。And as Clare was oppressed by the outward heats, so was he burdened inwardly by waxing fervour of passion for the soft and silent Tess.