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存在论是这类研究的中心思想。Ontology is its central branch.

第一章文学本体论。The first chapter is the literature ontology.

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不要将角色和本体论中的对象混淆在一起。Do not confuse roles with objects within the ontology

第一章说明西田的存有论。In chapter one , I study the ontology proposed by Nishida.

第一章“背向文学的文学新定义”,是对左翼文学本体论的研究。Chapter one studies on the literature ontology of the Leftist.

杯子的本体是空性的,但是空性可以不同的方式来显现。Ontology of the Cup is empty, but can appear in different ways.

本体映射的关键是相似度的计算。The key of ontology mapping is the computation of similarities.

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本体映射的关键是相似度的计算。And the key of ontology mapping is the computation of similarity.

现在已准备好开始为断言构建本体了。Now you're ready to start building the ontology for the assertions.

追寻自然法背后的本体,使吴经熊走向了上帝。Ontology behind the search for natural law, so that John Wu to God.

为语义中介内置分类法和可扩展本体论。Built in taxonomy and an extensible ontology for semantic mediation.

提出了一种描述混合知识类型的本体知识表达模型。A frame-based ontology model expressing hybrid knowledge is suggested.

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文章分析了嵇康音乐美学的本体论思想。This article analyses Ji Kang's ontology on musical aesthetics thought.

存在论以作为存在的存在为对象,其中心是实体。The ontology has being qua being as its object, and the core is substance.

家庭数码照片管理领域的本体建模研究,电子书格式为PDF。Family of digital photo management ontology modeling, e-book format is PDF.

王弼的哲学思想十分丰富,本体论思想毫无疑问是其哲学思想的核心。At the center of the rich philosophical resources of Wang Bi is his ontology.

第四部分卢卡奇解读马克思本体论思想的文本学分析。Part Four is the textual analysis on Lukács'interpretation of Marxist ontology.

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因此,有人提议,以现有叙词表为基础构建本体。Therefore, it was proposed to construct ontology based on the existing thesauri.

以苹果来说,本体应该是红色渐变、叶子是绿色、果柄则是棕色。Gradient with apple, ontology should is red, leaf is green, fruit stalk is brown.

设计了基于本体的产品知识结构-行为-功能表达模型。Product knowledge and S-B-F representation model based on ontology were designed.