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用箔纸盖严。Cover tightly with foil.

用箔纸把鱼包起来。Wrap the foil over the fish.

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封口,扔掉金属箔。Seal seam and ends. Discard foil.

这是铝馞,对吧?This is some aluminum foil right?

把箔纸揉成小团。Screw the foil into a little ball.

拧掉盖并取出箔密封。Twist off cap and remove foil seal.

用锡纸把鸡肉松松地盖起来。Cover the chicken loosely with foil.

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用铝箔把火鸡缠绕起来。Wrap the turkey up in aluminum foil.

让它们去撞击金属箔。And, they strike a thin foil of metal.

用锡纸做一个24公分的圆形圈。Make a 24 cm –diameter circle on foil.

请戴上您的铝箔帽阅读本文吧!Don your aluminum foil hat and read on.

实际上我是个花剑比赛选手。Actually, I am a competitive foil fencer.

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不要使用,如果是铝箔袋或刺破!Do not use if foil or pouch is punctured!

她用锡箔纸将烤鸡包起来了。She wrapped the roast chicken up in foil.

好花要有帅哥陪衬,陪衬一下。To spend to have handsome foil, foil look.

在盘子上盖一层铝箔纸。Lay a sheet of aluminium foil over the pan.

松松的的盖上一层铝箔纸,烘培1小时。Cover loosely with foil and bake for 1 hour.

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我把锡纸蒙在烘焙纸上,然后把肉丸整齐的放上去。I line a baking sheet covered with tin foil.

适用于钼箔带的轧制。Suitable for the rolling of Moly foil strip.

此产品具有防揭铝箔袋。This product has a tamper-evident foil pouch.