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这些小红衩。Those little red panties.

为何不让我看看你的内裤呢?Why don't you show me your panties?

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我还偷了她的一些衬裤。I stole a pair of her panties as well.

“现在”,她说,“脱下我的底裤”。"Now, " she said, "take off my panties. "

乳罩为什么是单数,而内裤是复数。Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

中国光着上身,下边一条裙子一条内裤。China bares top, with a panties and a skirt.

我看看,我要几条三角小裤裤,和一条衬裙。Let's see, I need some panties and a slip, too.

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记住把你的棉衬裤换成蕾丝。Change out of your cotton panties into a lacy thong.

甚至实用型内裤都变得更性感时尚了。Even practical panties are sexier and more relevant.

现在,杰维斯,我要你脱掉我的内衣和裤子。Now, Jervis, I want you to remove my bra and panties.

我脱下了裤子,然后是衬衫和内裤。I let my pants drop, then took off my shirt and panties.

男孩像男孩内裤短裤削减了兴田髋妇女内裤。Boy shorts are womens panties cut like boy briefs over hte hip.

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她内裤上的褐色分泌物通常预示着大量的鲜红色液体的到来。Brown discharge on her panties usually precedes heavy bright red flow.

英国以超市出台促销策略,女士只穿内衣购物赠礼券。Women invade Shopping Center in nothing but bras, panties and high heels.

我们看到,一根床柱上挂着一条上面印着白色星星的短衬裤。We see a pair of blue panties with white stars hanging from one of the bedposts.

富兰克的叹息声是能听见的几乎是一种呻吟。她穿着一条有皮带的短裤。Frank's sigh is very audible, almost a moan. She's wearing a pair of thong panties.

作为美国-穆斯林的典范,她不穿戴任何头饰。For a panties model of progressive American-Islam, she doesn't wear any head covering.

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胸衣和内裤的套装会让她感觉自己就像凯瑟琳·德纳芙那样性感、有女人味。This bra and pair of panties will make her feel as chic and sexy as Catherine Deneuve.

当猫奴将我猫薄荷玩具拿走时,我不会用臭袜子,藏内裤,或者卷毛剂来泡茶。Socks, dirty panties or hair scrunches when my humans take the catnip toy away from me.

诺拉这么做还招来了骚扰她的人,但是她仍旧分送自己的内裤。Nola has acquired a stalker as a result of her actions, but still distributes her panties.