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他是个有良心的人。He is a man of conscience.

他的良心时有时无。His conscience works in jerks.

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我的良心开始感到刺痛貂。My conscience began to tingle.

我的良心已经作出了让步。My conscience is now appeased.

你仍然有良心么?Do you still have a conscience?

清教徒,良心发现吗?Puritan, conscience guided him?

你们的良心过意的去吗?Does your conscience bother you?

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我感到良心的刺痛。I feel the pricks of conscience.

他一点良心都没有。He compeletely lacked conscience.

始终会良心不安。Will always be uneasy conscience.

我们的良知不允许如此。And neither should our conscience.

这就是我没有良心不安的原因。That’s why my conscience is clear.

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问心无愧,高枕无忧。A clear conscience is a soft pillow.

首先我是一个没良心的人。First I am a man without conscience.

作弊会违背自已良心吗?Cheat can breach oneself's conscience?

因为问心无愧-有句话怎么说?。Clear conscience. -What's that saying?

良心是上帝未被彻底吹熄的蜡烛。Conscience hath somewhat divine in it.

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丧尽天良,一无所有。He who has no conscience have nothing.

那次偷窃使他良心不安。The theft lay heavy on his conscience.

他不会让这件事搞得自己良心不安的。He won't let it trouble his conscience.