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看起来像廉价品。Look cheaply made.

布朗夫妇给你搭伙,收费会很便宜。The Browns will board you very cheaply.

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那楝房子在拍卖时以很低价卖出。The house went very cheaply at auction.

他打听出在哪儿买水果便宜。He found out where to buy fruit cheaply.

而如果他们不在时,顾客则会选择便宜的。If no one was there, they chose cheaply.

他似乎以为他能轻易收买我。He seems to think he can buy me over very cheaply.

价格不一,好的买不起,便宜的看不上。Price differs , cannot afford well, go ahead cheaply"."

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你时常可以很便宜地买到大量用过的邮花。You can often pick up lots of used stamps very cheaply.

投资银行是否完全不必要贱价出售?Are the investment banks selling cheaply , out of necessity?

在其他地方,二手电脑售价要便宜很多。Elsewhere , second-hand ones are available far more cheaply.

确实是。如果你在家做饭,饮食就会既健康又实惠。I do. If you cook at home, you can eat healthy food cheaply.

要么贱卖,要么贵买You'll be selling too cheaply or you'll be buying too dearly.

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这使公司能够抓住机会以低成本借款。This allows companies to seize the opportunity to borrow cheaply.

单纯从利益角度而言,这些布朗的救星多数会轻易出卖他们的忠诚。In mercenary terms, most of the saviours sold their loyalty cheaply.

她和店老板讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖给了她。She bargained with the shop owner till he sold her the fruit cheaply.

如果airplay能更广泛并廉价的许可,它就有可能成为标准。Airplay could become a standard if it is broadly and cheaply licensed.

网络销售商可以利用这个“漏洞”低价出售商品。By using this “loophole” online business can sell products more cheaply.

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你可以在二手店或节后促销中很便宜的购买得到。They can be bought cheaply at thrift stores or during post-holiday sales.

几乎所有癌症病人的疼痛都可得到有效缓解,而且不用花多少钱。Cancer pain can be relieved, cheaply and effectively, in nearly all patients.

坦率的说,一个人飞跃太平洋的机票费比一个浴缸得空运费要便宜的多。Frankly, a person can fly across the Pacific almost as cheaply as a bathtub can.