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我们的人民解决军现在正在宿营地。Our people's liberation army is now in the cantonment.

士兵们坐在兵营的电影院里看一部电影。Those paratroopers are sitting in the cantonment film theater to see a movie.

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他们让数万人民解放军的战士们在营房里挨饿。They are making our thousands of warriors of the PLA go hungry in the cantonment.

在大英帝国期间,这是一个军队驻地,至今还有巨大的军营。During the British empire, it was a garrison and still has a large army cantonment.

这录音是在三月一号在一个达卡军营上举行的纪念会上录的。The recording was made on March 1 during an emotional meeting at the Dhaka cantonment.

这是3月1号在达卡一个军营中一场情绪激动的会议的录音。The recording was made on March 1 during an emotional meeting at the Dhaka cantonment.

1962年7月2日,在阿格拉兵营结束了军官课程后,我加入了精锐的第17伞兵团。I joined the elite 17 Parachute Field Regiment on July 2, 1962 at the end of an officer's course at Agra cantonment.

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当地居民指向一些殖民地兵营附近的小别墅,现在有很多中国商人在里面住。Locals point out several villas in the city's leafy colonial cantonment that are occupied by mysterious Chinese businessmen.

优化联合作战营房保障策略,是提高联合作战营房保障效力和保障效益的前提。The optimizing of cantonment guarantees strategies in combined operations is the premise to improve the cantonment guarantees effectiveness and benefits.

平民和士兵混合驻扎在一起,这很自然地让我们联想到法国革命,俄国革命与中国革命的群众动员,人民被武装起来了。The pla mingling with the civilians in the vicinity of the cantonment was suggestive of similar mobilisations seen during the french russian and chinese revolutions--the people in arms.