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泰必沙太太在房间里上上下下地找,“喵喵”地叫着汤姆·基登的名字。Mrs. Tabitha went up and down all over the house, mewing for Tom Kitten.

科学作家,经常撰写有关遗传、科技政策、考古及大脑方面的文章。Tabitha M. Powledge writes frequently about genetics, science policy, archaeology and the brain.

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之后泰贝莎。提慈下来花园里,并发现她的小猫们完全没穿衣地坐在围墙上。Then Tabitha Twitchit came down the garden and found her kittens on the wall with no clothes on.

居住于田纳西州巴莱特市的特比莎.凯恩,饲养了这只猫已经多年,她称这只猫为「野燕麦」。Tabitha Cain of Bartlett, Tennessee, has fed the cat, which she calls Wild Oats, for several years.

有一天,我跟碧儿玩我发现约克夏跑了很快象鸟类在飞行中。One day, I with my yorkie tabitha playing, I found that about Yorkshire ran soon as the birds in flight.

塔比瑟已经在这家公司工作了15年,在这家公司工作的经历让她坐上了公司高管的职位。Tabitha has worked at the company for 15 years and that experience puts her in line for a top management position.

在这段经文中显示,门徒大比大,她是痛过生活上实际行动来影响他人的生命。That Tabitha was a disciple is shown in this passage by the impact of her life upon others through practical deeds.

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泰比莎说,女学生每个月被迫不能去上学,因为她们无法控制她们的经期。Tabitha says that girls are forced to miss school each month because they have no way of controlling their monthly menstruation.

青少年发展专家霍尔姆斯说,成熟家庭的争吵,是成长的必要部分。Tabitha Holmes, a specialist in adolescent development, says that full -blown family disputes are an essential part of growing up.

塔碧莎凯恩喂养了一只她唤为野燕麦的街猫多年,但现在她考虑将这只猫改名为幸存者。Tabitha cain has fed a feral cat she calls wild oats for several years , but now she ' s thinking of changing the feline ' s name to survivor.

当三只小猫都准备好了,泰贝莎太太很不明智地把他们赶进花园里,以便她做热烘烘的奶油烤面包时不受到干扰。When the three kittens were ready, Mrs. Tabitha unwisely turned them out into the garden, to be out of the way while she made hot buttered toast.

塔比莎从炉边烟熏火燎的凳子上起身,将酒瓶搁在彼得跟前,紧挨着那盏古老的铜灯,这玩意儿也是他大闹旧宅的战利品。Tabitha arose from her smoke-blackened bench in the chimney-corner, and placed the bottle before Peter, close beside the old brass lamp, which had likewise been the prize of his researches.

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彼得与塔比莎背对着门,正俯身向着一只大箱子,看来是刚从烟囱左边那个洞口还是密橱里拖出来的。Peter and Tabitha stood with their backs to the door, stooping over a large chest, which, apparently, they had just dragged from a cavity, or concealed closet, on the left side of the chimney.

她们是青梅竹马的好朋友,因读书时代共同做过的一件无聊事,而突然齐被捲入恐怖事件中。Tabitha. Shelby. Lisa. Theyre longtime friends on separate life paths. But they share a horrific destination when a seemingly innocent incident from their school days comes back to terrify them.

做一把像眼镜和胡子的剪刀也许是不可能的一件事,这是因为你不像设计该商标的设计师塔比瑟一样聪明。A pair of scissors made to look like eyeglasses and a mustache may not be the first thing, but maybe that’s because you’re not as clever as Tabitha Ayers, the designer who came up with this logo.