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这是一起正在审理的医疗事故讼案。This is an ongoing malpractice suit.

人们甚至可以将它称为营销违规行为。One could even say it is marketing malpractice.

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这个医生因渎职罪被拘留。The doctor was detained because of malpractice.

一场医疗事故使白涛只有14个月大的儿子周成汉双耳失聪。A medical malpractice made Bai Tao's 14-month-old son deaf.

这位护士长由于玩忽职守被降职为普通护士。The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice.

日兴的信誉受其审计丑闻影响而大大受损。Nikko's standing had been badly undermined by auditing malpractice.

没有被投诉过,也没有治疗不当的诉讼,友善受欢迎。No complaints, no malpractice lawsuits, seems friendly, well-liked.

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近年来在医疗纠纷诉讼中律师收费形式有所改变。In recent years, there are some reform in medical malpractice cases.

我们来检查一个样例案例研究,以便更好地理解为何这是一种不良实践。Let’s look at a sample case study to better understand why this is a malpractice.

在美国法中,存在医患关系是主张医疗损害赔偿的一个先决条件。In American law, physician-patient relationship is a prerequisite of medical malpractice.

性向进教科书的立法是我们教育系统失当的一个新顶峰。—a curricular emphasis on gay sexuality amounted to a new peak of educational malpractice.

全国的医生在放弃他们的工作,因为他们负担不起职业过失保险。Doctors acro the country are quitting their jo because they can't afford malpractice i urance.

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全国的医生在放弃他们的工作,因为他们负担不起职业过失保险。Doctors across the country are quitting their jobs because they can't afford malpractice insurance.

护理人员就是一个实例,尽管这会不惜牵扯到美国的一些玩忽职守。Paramedics are a telling example given the costly implications of malpractice in the United States.

对医疗事故技术鉴定报告的采信程度,决定了案件的胜败。The adoption extent of the medical malpractice report determines the victory or defeat of the case.

事实认定包括实务中较为突出的医疗文书和医疗事故技术鉴定结论。The fact assertion includes medical documents analysis and expert conclusion of medical malpractice.

他公布了创建试点项目的新方案,旨在控制医疗事故诉讼。He announced a new initiative to create pilot projects intended to curb medical malpractice lawsuits.

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原因之一是撒哈拉沙漠以南,主要是在南部,医疗界里已证实的所有玩忽职守的案例。One reason is documented cases of gross medical malpractice in sub-Saharan Africa, mainly in the south.

同时其唯科学主义倾向产生了单向度的弊端,直接产生了当前的种种危机。At the same time, its incline of science doctrine has led to a oneway malpractice and various current crises.

该病人因其医生选择剖腹产而死亡一事其本身并非医疗失职行为。The death of the patient because of her doctor's choice of C-section was not medical malpractice in and of itself.