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前外侧入路利用了阔筋膜张肌和臀中肌之间的间隙。The anterolateral approach utilizes the interval between the tensor fascia and the gluteus medius.

外侧入路主要依赖于臀中肌和臀小肌止点的剥离。The lateral approach is essentially dependent upon elevation of the insertion of the gluteus medius and minimus.

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阔筋膜张肌和臀中肌将大腿骨向内,平衡由臀大肌产生的向外的力量。The tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius turn the thigh bone inward, balancing the turning-out force of the gluteus maximus.

位于骨盆外侧的臀中肌和大腿内侧的内收肌群共同保持骨盆左右两侧的平衡。The gluteus medius on the outside of the pelvis and the adductor group on the inside of the thigh balance the pelvis from the outside to the inside.

在扩筋膜张肌筋膜转向臀中肌筋膜处,其外侧缘通常出现一些皮穿支血管。There are usually some cutaneous perforating vessels present at the posterior edge of the TFL fascia as it transitions to the fascia over the medius.

结论单侧臀肌挛缩症伴骨盆倾斜,多由臀中肌、臀小肌挛缩带引起髋关节外展畸形导致负重力线的改变而致病。Conclusion Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus could result in coxae abduction malformation and alteration of weight line, leading to pelvic obliquity.

当患者全髋术后出现疼痛、跛行和无力需要考虑有无臀中肌撕裂。One should consider the possibility of a rupture of the gluteus medius muscle when a patient presents with a limp, pain, and weakness after total hip arthroplasty.

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中文刺激还激活了左侧颞中回、双侧直回以及扣带回前部等部位,英文刺激则激活了中央前回等脑区。The gyrus temporalis medius and gyrus rectus and anterior gyrus cinguli were only activated by Chinese stimuli while gyrus precentralis were only activated by English stimuli.

如果大腿外旋,在臀部前侧最高点的阔筋膜张肌和臀中肌前侧给出反向的一个力。If the legs tend to turn outward, the tensor fascia lata and the front part of the gluteus medius muscles at the front and highest point of the hip bones work to turn them inward.

方法采用加压螺纹钉内固定加带臀中肌蒂骨块移植治疗青壮年股骨颈骨折47例。Methods 47 cases of femoral neck fractures in young and middle aged adults were treated by pedicled bone flap transposition of gluteus medius muscle and compression screw fixation.

因此,插入股骨髓内钉时,增加髋关节的屈曲内收可能降低损伤臀上神经和臀中肌的风险。Therefore, insertion of a femoral nail with the hip in increased flexion and adduction might help to lower the risk of injuries to the superior gluteal nerve and the gluteus medius muscle.