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看,我们是有冲劲儿的美国人。Look, we’re pushy Americans.

过度使用只会让你显得莽撞。Overuse will only make you look pushy.

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我不受促销员的影响。I'm not influenced by a pushy salesperson.

强势的父母。是的,我们有强势的父母。Pushy parents. Yes, we have pushy parents.

斯科巴先生还认为,不论你如何应对,态度不要太强硬。Mr. Skiba says whatever you do, don't be too pushy.

这似乎有点爱出风头,但是也是值得去问的。It may seem a little pushy but it is a perfectly fair thing to ask.

一个富有进取心的海狸接管龟背心爱的池塘,拒绝分享。A pushy beaver takes over Turtle's beloved pond and refuses to share.

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我发现,这一类硬梆梆的法律文书令人相当不愉快,尤其是当它们来自初创企业时。I find this sort of pushy legal stuff very off-putting, especially for start-ups.

当然,但我更喜欢听唱片。我不能忍受那帮粗鲁的乌合之众。Sure, but I like listening to records better. I can't stand mobs of pushy people.

他们不会为灌输什么而宣讲不休,贯穿始终的是怀疑精神。They are not pushy or preachy, but scepticism flavours nearly everything they do.

难怪人家说地宫酒店嚣张跋扈,可是,怎麽可能呢?No wonder people said this hotel was pushy and bullying. But, how was this possible?

他想迴避那些过于热切和好胜心强的朋友,却不会让他们觉得他在冷落他们。He tries vto fend off these overeager and pushy friends without their feeling slighted.

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望子成龙的家长并不让人奇怪,但现在家长们对孩子的逼迫更加严重。Pushy parents are nothing new , but now parents seem to push their children a lot more.

如果参与不知所谓的组织,你可能被那些激进的人压迫。You will be subject to pushy individuals if you get involved in uncertain organizations.

在这种情况下,你要么放弃希望,承认据理力争并不适合你,要么下定决心,做出更努力的尝试。In which case you can either give up hope and accept that pushy doesn't suit you or decide to try harder.

如果老婆要爱爱一星期两次,先生认为妻子性疯狂…If your husband thinks you are a nymphomaniac or " pushy and aggressive" because you want sex twice a week.

不清楚这位未来的政治家是宣传产物还是仅仅是受其追求进步的父母的产物。It remains unclear whether the precocious politician is a creation of propaganda, or simply of pushy parents.

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在这个先后叫做特米尔纳斯、马撒斯维尔和亚特兰大的市镇落户的人,都是很有闯劲的。The people who settled the town called successively Terminus, Marthasville and Atlanta , were a pushy people.

同时,在共同能源政策的目标设定上,也有急于求成之嫌。What should also be pointed out is that the goal-setting for the Common Energy Policy was too pushy and hasty.

招聘到期日,固执的组织招募人员,打来电话,听电话时我差点睡着-,我本不会应聘。I had a napping for a very pushy phone call from a very pushy TFA recruiter on the deadline day-- I would not apply.