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杜罗河,参观博物馆和古老的纪念碑。Douro river, visit the museums and old monuments.

继续留在波尔图杜罗河银行过夜。Continue to Oporto at the bank of Douro river for overnight stay.

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我们还推荐去杜罗河上游的短途自选一日游。We also recommend a full day optional excursion to the Upper Douro.

唐门创立万年之后的斗罗大陆上,唐门式微。Tang door founded million years after the Douro mainland, Tang door type.

波尔图葡萄牙西北部一城市,位于里斯本北部,杜罗河口附近。A city of northwest Portugal near the mouth of the Douro River north of Lisbon.

在波尔图的多罗河畔上,绚丽多彩的连栋房屋在历史上著名的里贝拉广场上排成一行。Colourful terraced houses line historic Ribeira Square on the banks of the Rio Douro in Porto.

杜罗河的上升在乌尔维翁山,在西班牙北部,大约海拔2000米。The River Douro rises in the Urbión Mountains, in the north of Spain, at around 2000 meters of altitude.

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该城市的历史城区和葡萄酒产区上杜罗已被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。The city's historic center and the Alto Douro Wine Region have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

却不想,神界之中二十多年过去,斗罗大陆万年之后,唐门却已凋零。Do not want to, because in the past twenty years, million years after the Douro mainland, Tang door has withered.

我可以告诉他,那时的邪恶行为就象人们把酒精掺进杜罗河区的纯葡萄汁里。I could tell him that all the wickedness of that time was like the spirits they mixed with the pure grape of the douro.

在七夜维克塔邮轮开始和结束上周五和功能非常相似行程的杜罗巡洋舰方案。The seven-night Invicta cruise starts and finishes on Friday and features a very similar itinerary to the Douro Cruiser programme.

波尔图市延山势而建,可以眺望到杜罗河入海口,此地举世无双的城市景观已有千年历史。The city of oporto built along the hillsides overlooking the mouth of the douro river is an outstanding urban landscape with a1000-year history.

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这里,您可以进行杜罗河游船,尝试一些著名的葡萄酒或访问典型的老城区,并获得了热烈的味道,当地的热情好客。Here you can take a Douro River cruise, try some famous port wine or visit the typical old districts and get a taste of the warm, local hospitality.

在波尔图的多罗河畔上,绚丽多彩的连栋房屋在历史上著名的里贝拉广场上排成一行。波尔图位列该名单上最有价值的旅游目的地第三位。Colourful terraced houses line historic Ribeira Square on the banks of the Rio Douro in Porto. Porto is the third best value destination on the list.

用葡萄牙北部杜罗区的,良种葡萄精酿而成,具有二百多年的历史,酒味香醇,柔和优雅。With Portugal north the Douro area, the improved variety grape fine ferments becomes, has more than 200 years history, the wine taste is mellow, gentle graceful.

值得骄傲的是经过短短的几年时间,阿尔塔诺珍藏葡萄酒已经成为多鲁地区最好的红葡萄酒。The family is particularly proud of the fact after a few years time the Altano Reserva has established itself as one of the best red wines made in the Douro Valley.

一列火车周一在葡萄牙北部的拜尔撞上一颗造成火车出轨的大石后瘫痪在河滨上,火车头则栽进斗罗河里。A train lays down the embankment with the locomotive underwater in the Douro River, after it rammed into a boulder which derailed the train Monday Dec. 11, 2000 in Baiao, northern Portugal.

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葡萄牙有几个如杜罗扎,Templários,道Lafões,哥斯达黎加等旅游区做溶胶,哥斯达黎加阿苏尔Planície多拉达等,其中大部分是未知的游客和本地居民。Portugal has several other tourism regions such as Douro Sul, Templários, Dão-Lafões, Costa do Sol, Costa Azul, Planície Dourada, etc. Most of them are unknown to tourists and locals alike.

并非在葡萄牙上杜罗*区生产的砵酒,或并非在西班牙赫雷斯─德拉弗龙特拉+生产的雪利酒,其每一容器上须清楚地标明来源地的名称。The name of the place of origin of port not produced in the alto douro district in portugal or sherry not produced in jerez de la frontera in spain shall be clearly marked on every container thereof.