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他是一个莽汉。He is a tough specimen.

这些都是鱼的标本。All these are fish specimen.

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Solex字体样本书.Solex Typeface Specimen Book.

我需要一份24小时的样本。I need a 24hour urine specimen.

来自天柱山的矿石标本。Specimen of rock and ore from Mt. Tienchu.

把试件放在试验基面上。Put the specimen on the test-based surface.

一个小贩在宠物市场展示样品。A salesman at a pet market shows off a specimen.

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“这位粉脸圆胖的成功人士”。This pink-faced rotund specimen of prosperity"."

适用织物、软塑胶等试片用。Apply to the specimen off textile and soft plastic.

试样不允许有任何皱折与变形。The specimen don't allow folds and deformity on it.

将一个标本鑑定错误而归于一个特别的分类单元。To mistakenly attribute a specimen to a particular taxon.

模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。The type specimen is deposited in Shenyang Normal College.

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双梯形的试样将产生切变脱胶现象。A double trapezoidal specimen will generate shear debonding.

无论如何,另一种上龙的种类在昨年也被发现了。Another pliosaur specimen was also found last year, however.

一侧新鲜标本上,摹拟术式设计。Mimic operation was performed on one side of fresh specimen.

全新的样品回缩功能,提高切片质量。The new specimen retraction function, improve slice quality.

所有标本经福尔马林固定,石蜡包埋。All specimen were fixed by formalin and embedded by paraffin.

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被测样品中未检测出环己烷,检出乙酸乙酯。No ethyl acetate and cyclohexane were determined in specimen.

用生物危害袋安全地运送标本。The specimen will be safely transferred into a biohazard bag.

模式标本保存在西北林学院。The type specimen are kept in NorthwesternCollege of Forestry.