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你的阴暗面告诉你什么?What does your seamy side tell you?

怎样解决心理的阴暗面?How to solve psychological the seamy side?

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你认为你的阴影面是什么?你能接受你的阴影自我吗?What is your seamy side? Can you accept it?

你还没有见到社会的阴暗面。You're not aware of the seamy side of life.

警察看见很多生活的背后面。A policeman sees much of the seamy side of life.

生活的阴暗面包括犯罪和其它邪恶事情。The seamy side of life includes crime and other evils.

安妮在富裕安逸的环境中长大,不大知道生活的阴暗面。Annie grew up in comfort knowing little of the seamy side of life.

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要接受自己的阴暗面,就要首先承认自己是不完美的。To accept our seamy side, we must first admit that we are not perfect.

这本小说生动地描绘了城市生活的阴暗面。Seamy The novel gives a vivid description of the seamy side of the city life.

这儿喧闹、快节奏,充满了生命的悸动,但也有一些阴暗面。The place was loud, fast, and throbbing with life, some of it on the seamy side.

约翰-C-雷利年来扮演了丑陋的角色,并大获。John C. Reilly has played a host of seamy characters to great effect over the years.

约翰-C-雷利这些年来扮演了很多丑陋的角色,并大获成功。John C . Reilly has played a host of seamy characters to great effect over the years.

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她经常到中国旅行,目睹了社会的肮脏面无所不在,但民族确实是变得前所未有的强大起来。She travels in China frequently, and seamy sides are everywhere but the nation is getting ever stronger.

为了使该系统在恶劣条件下正常工作,无干扰的方法已获得通过。In order to make the system work formally in seamy condition, much interference-free means has been adopted.

这样的照片不见得要揭露生活里丑陋的、脆弱的地方,但是却总暗示着——我们在偷听他人的生活。They're not necessarily about the seamy underbelly of life, but there is always the hint that we are eavesdropping.

方玄昌和方舟子并非亲属关系,但他们是朋友并以揭露中国科学界丑陋的阴暗面著称。Fang Xuanchang is not related to Fang Zhouzi, but the two are friends and renowned for muckraking the seamy underside of Chinese science.

取用它时,可依次由外侧向内侧进行,亦可“紧跟”女主人的选择。While taking to use it can one by one in order from lateral steer to the seamy side, may also "follow close behind" the select of hostess.

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狗可以代表现实的黑暗,在上海这现实的黑暗使你步步惊心,真仿佛一条疯狗跟在背后一样。Dogs represent the seamy side of reality. The darkness of reality in Shanghai makes you jumpy, as if there really is a mad dog at your heels.

慢慢地,她越来越讨厌这个世界,她看到的都是这个世界的阴暗面,她看不到任何希望,至少她自己这样认为。Gradually, her hate towards the world became more deep, she had seen the seamy side of it, and she could find any hope, at least that's what she thought.

不要忽略这些失控的经历,试着去了解自己的阴暗面吧,它是我们的朋友,可以释放我们的潜质,使我们进一步认识到自己的本质。Do not neglect this wild experience and try to know our seamy side. It may be our friend to release our quality and make us to know the essence of ourselves.