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不要删除。Don't remove.

去掉GIL本身。Remove the GIL itself.

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婴儿肥能去除吗?Baby fat can remove it?

删除发泡胶一块。Remove Styrofoam piece.

拆下车门饰板。Remove door trim panel.

那么删除署名。Then remove the byline.

脱下所有弄乱的布草。Remove all soiled linen.

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可以去掉这块污渍吗?Cay you remove the stain?

墨水斑点很容易去掉。Ink stains remove easily.

拆去支撑螺栓盖。Remove anchor bolt cover.

信念可以移山。Faith can remove mountain.

烤完后,从烤箱中取出。Remove them from the oven.

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这样做会去除干皮。This will remove dry skin.

拆卸十字槽螺丝帽。Remove Phillips head screw.

请使用风枪吹去铁屑等杂物。Remove dust using air blow.

去虾壳和虾背上的肠子。Remove prawn's shell &guts.

那么删除日期标签。Then remove the date stamp.

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我来把牛奶缸子拿开。Let me remove the milk- jug.

把第一双袜子从脚上脱下。Remove first sock from foot.

拆下背面的三角形。Remove back-facing triangles.