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我会找到这个教民所属的教区。I'll discover the parish of that parishioner.

很显然,主教对教区的记录很清楚。Clearly, the bishop was privy to parish records.

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他早已同他的书本和教区结了不解之缘。He was wedded already to his books and his parish.

他的教区为3岁以上的孩子开了两座幼儿园。His parish runs two kindergartens for children over 3.

我信仰上帝,努力成为教区的好教民。I believe in God and try to be a good member of my parish.

一位年长的意大利男人来向他的神父告解。This elderly Italian guy goes to his parish priest to confess.

我建议你采取负责任的行动并留意此警告,”帕里什补充道。I suggest you act responsibly and heed thiswarning,” Parish added.

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小姑娘父母双亡后,就一直靠教区的接济生活。The little girl had come upon the parish ever since her parents died.

Burch这样劝说他的同事花钱修路。Burch, a parish leader, pleading with his colleagues for road spending.

冰岛的主教敦促教区部长们通过该法律。The bishop of Iceland has urged parish ministers to comply with the law.

他成为一个小教区的教区长,在那里主事了几年圣事。He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years.

他放松了他的人质而他最初的追踪者奔跑着往教堂外跑去。He released his hold and his original pursuer bolted out of the parish close.

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在1506年,他被任命并分配给镇格拉洛斯作为一个教区牧师。In 1506 he was ordained and assigned to the town of Glarus as a parish priest.

现在这个教区的教徒们都已经习惯使用它了。The members of this parish have got used to it," said Father Pierangelo Motta.

由圣伯多禄圣保禄堂区组织的团体已率先于八月一日出发。The first group from Saints Peter and Paul parish departed for Madrid yesterday.

现在这个教区的教徒们都已经习惯使用它了。The members of this parish have got used to it, " said Father Pierangelo Motta."

每个教区有一个牧师负责,被称为牧师或者教区长。Each parish is in the care of a priest, who is called either a vicar or a rector.

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例如,我记得有一次恩肖先生在教会的市场上买了两只小马,分给两个男孩。Earnshaw once bought a couple of colts at the parish fair, gave the lads each one.

仅仅在查林-克洛斯这一教区,每年就要饿死一百人。There are a hundred deaths a year of hunger in the parish of Charing -Cross alone.

阿比盖尔逝世于1818年,埋葬于美国第一教堂教区,陪伴在她丈夫的身边。Abigail died in 1818, and is buried beside her husband in United First Parish Church.