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他乘单座二轮马车进城了。He went to town by a sulky.

他对这事确实很生气。He was very sulky about it indeed.

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请不要以为我在生谁的闷气。You must not think I am sulky when I do that.

她带来几个脸色愠怒的孩子。She brought along a couple of sulky looking kids.

像往常一样,事情一不顺心,玛丽就会郁郁不乐。As usual when things weren't going her way, Mary turned quite sulky.

有时候他就只会呆在自己的帐篷里不吃东西生闷气。Sometimes, he gets so sulky that he just stays in his tent and fasts.

可我们担忧的是你的心境不太稳定,容易泄气。What we worry about you is that you are sulky and easy to lose heart.

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一个脸色不悦的年轻女孩重手重脚地在桌上放上了一壶茶和两个茶杯。A sulky young girl placed a pot of tea and two cups heavily on the table.

她把灯芯捻低,取下灯罩,对着发蔫的火头哈了口气。She turned the wick down, lifted off the globe, and breathed onthe sulky flame.

在这种情形下,您不要以为我是生气了,但听我自然,不久就会好的。You must not think I am sulky when I do that. Just let me alone, and I"ll soon be right."

“请问哪里能找到格雷先生?”她在卡西诺戏院的后台入口处,问一个阴沉着脸的看门人。"Where shall I find Mr. Gray?" she asked of a sulky doorman at the stage entrance of the Casino.

露拉捉摸不透,她的表兄为何这么生气,也不明白她什么地方得罪了他。Laura was at a loss to account for her cousin's sulky behavour, and ignorant in what she had offended him.

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而另一些人,即是多数人,都不喜欢安德烈公爵,认为他是个盛气凌人、冷淡、令人厌恶的人物。Others, the majority, did not like Prince Andrey, and regarded him as a sulky , cold, and disagreeable person.

爱情可以让人忍受粗暴无礼的亲戚,长期掉落的头屑,愤怒先生的来访,甚至是疯狂的事件。Love overcomes abrasive in –laws, chronic dandruff, a visit from Mr. Sulky Pants, and even episodes of insanity.

如果洛蒂托赢了官司,这名前热那亚球员最终会留下,然后便会被封杀。If Lotito does win the case and forces the former Genoa man to stay then he will have a sulky prisoner on his books.

有时候,他像一个生气的孩子,向母亲抱怨那些人白天和晚上都不让他休息。Sometimes, like a sulky child, he would complain to the Mother about the crowds , who gave him no rest day or night.

胖乎乎的,柔软的,可爱的,没有任何会使他们变成忧郁青少年的自我意识或抑制力。Chubby, soft, cute and without any of the self-consciousness or inhibitions which will one day turn them into sulky teenagers.

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她确实是一个傻瓜,她也只好找一个傻瓜做丈夫。如果她嫁给了我,我会成为一个怨气冲天,愁眉不展的丈夫。She certainly was a fool, and would have a fool for her husband, and a very sulky discontented husband too if she had taken me.

如果一个男人和其它女人在一起,那么女人很可能会觉得他心不在焉,没有心情,或者根本不想加入。If a man is with a woman or a group of women, the women are likely to think he is distant, sulky or simply doesn't want to join in.

小托马斯双腿胯开坐在壁炉前的一张椅子上发表了这些意见,他的两只胳膊放在椅背上,托著他那张闷闷不乐的脸。Young thomas expressed these sentiments sitting astride a chair before the fire, with his arms on the back, and his sulky face on his arms.