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浮躁是无能的同义语。Impetuosity is the synonym of incompetence.

珍丽由于能力不够没能胜任这个工作。Jenny failed her job due to her incompetence.

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我对这些领域的无能无力毫不羞愧。I'm not ashamed of my incompetence in these areas.

他很无能已导致我们濒临绝境。His incompetence have bring us to the brink of ruin.

越来越多吃闲饭的警察。我们纳税就是干这个吗?More Garda incompetence. Is this why we pay our taxes?

无能的警察,全球风靡的腐败现象。Police Incompetence and Corruptness a World Wide Epidemic.

很多的幽默发生在靓鼠和猪头之间。Much of the humor focuses on the incompetence of Rat and Pig.

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骂他们跟警察一样无能是没有道理的。Tarring them with the same brush of incompetence isn't right.

权奸严嵩父子把持朝政,军队无能。QuanGan YanSong father and son holding, the army incompetence.

雷曼这个小插曲说明了无能有价。The Lehmans episode demonstrates that incompetence has a price.

从中就可以看出了小日本懦弱无能,欺软怕硬的一面!Can be seen from the small Japan cowardly incompetence Qiruanbogeng side!

这次惨败更加坚定了肯尼迪认为富米毫无能力的看法。This fiasco confirmed Kennedy's impression of Phoumi's singular incompetence.

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阴谋的失败仅仅因为自杀炸弹分子自己的无能和乘客的警觉。The plot was foiled only by the bomber’s own incompetence and some alert passengers.

但是在当时苹果电脑的文化之中,提出A级问题,就是不能胜任的标志。But in the Apple culture of that time, having “A” problems was a sign of incompetence.

没有一个总统可以消除庞大的联邦政府中所有小部门的无能。No president can eliminate all pockets of incompetence in the vast federal government.

唐亚当斯所饰演的特工86号以他不断的疏漏闻名于世。Don Adams made Agent 86 famous with his character's constant slip-ups and incompetence.

这场预算之争中展现出的无知、无能和无胆,真是让人费解又悲哀。This budget war reflects inanity, incompetence and cowardice that are sadly inexplicable.

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常常,你会因为发生在别人身上的事情,对这个世界感到无能无力。Do you Often see those poor people in this world and feel yourself unable to incompetence.

人民依然抱怨腐败、官僚主义和小统治者的无能。People also complain about corruption, bureaucracy and the incompetence of petty potentates.

极右翼党派的无能或许会使其在政治上落寞,但是一些极右的思想仍会存在。The far right’s incompetence may doom it politically, but some of its ideas are here to stay.