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订购B组份原料的包装桶。Booking barrel for packaging Comp.

向能提供帮助的人抱怨才有用。Comp lain to one who can help you.

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我想你该升级你的电脑了。I think it's time you upgraded your comp uter.

若要从事中国文学,必须在一年级修文学与作文。The prerequisite for Chinese Lit is Freshman Lit and Comp.

许多专题组可以提供有用的计算机程序。Many groups offer usable computer programs. The ones under comp.

你可以用电脑创建自己的穿衣表。You can uSE your comp uter to create your own fashion spreadsheet.

大气的插件不亮在一单层比赛强度。The strength of the atmosphere plug-in doesn't shine in a single-layer comp.

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这个游戏运行太慢了。我想你该升级你的电脑了。This game is running pretty slow. I think it's time you upgraded your comp uter.

他们很少有权利管一顿饭,其中的大部分都没有权利提供免费的酒。They’re less likely to comp a meal, and most aren’t authorized to give away free alcohol.

点击在这个图层右边图标来隐藏或显示图层复合。To hide and show your layer comps, just click on the icon on the right side of the layer comp.

亚科夫列娃是莫斯科一家专门生产硅胶的公司的财务经理。Y an a Y akovlev a is the fin anci al director of a Moscow comp any th atm anuf actures silicone.

我在一个叫时代贸易公司的小公司任办公室主任。I am working as an office administrator in a small comp any by the name of Times Trading Comp any.

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你应该为每一个员工的奖励量身定做,比如举办一场比赛,举行一个公司晚宴,或者甚至仅仅是一封充满人情味的电子邮件。This might take the form of a comp day or a dinner out on the company, or even just a thoughtful e-mail.

尽管如此,在我失业人数、员工补注、大部分责任条款中都明确规定着这种信用。However, those credits are stated explicitly in my unemployment, worker's comp and general liability quotes.

在图5-11,我们可看到溢出处理环节被安排在前景预处理环节后,合成节点前。The despill operation is placed after the processed foreground and before the comp node, as shown in Figure 5-11.

如果公司经常将大部分收入分红给股东,这种股票常常被称为收入型股票。If a comp any traditionally pays out most its profits to its shareholders, it is generally called an income stock.

根据哈尔滨市煤炭工业公司露天矿开采实际状况,提出了技术改造措施。According to the actual situation in opencast in Harbin City Coal Industry Comp. , provide technical reform measures.

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结果证明作为从柴油机排气装置中减少氮的氧化物的产品,该款泵是值得信赖的,而且很耐用。The result is a reliable and durable product th at reduces oxides of nitrogen from diesel exhaust, the comp any cl aims.

研究结果对防弹复合材料及其轻质复合装甲的优化设计具有较重要的参考意义。The study results would be a very valuable reference to the optimal design of ballistic composites and lightweight comp.

该切换机制可有效支持协作多点通信,同时降低信息交互及信令开销。The proposed scheme could support CoMP well, but reduce the overhead of information exchanging and signaling transmission.