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三个星期可能足够了。Three weeks should suffice.

不过我会给大家讲一则趣闻轶事。But an anecdote will suffice.

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一个数据采集应已足够。A data sampling should suffice.

我将尽一切努力满足你的要求。I will do my best to suffice you.

这里只举一个例子就够了。Here a single example will suffice.

只要说那枝枪是他的就够了。Suffice it to say that the gun was his.

而有时候一个文科学位就足够了。Sometimes a liberal arts degree will suffice.

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你问道,虽然你知道救命之恩无价可报。you ask, knowing no payment could ever suffice.

但是现在,满足这些简单要求就足够。But for now, let these simple requirements suffice.

在很多情况下,默认设置就已足够。In most instances, the default settings will suffice.

完全可以这样说,现在火箭队的全明星都已经上路了。Suffice it to say, the Rockets' All-Stars were on board.

在静态方法足可以满足需要的情况下,不应当使用它。It should not be used where static methods would suffice.

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如果有小词可用,就别使用大词。Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice.

但在大多数的小公司一位办公室经理就够了。But in most small companies an Office Manager can suffice.

在这种情况下,一个简单的建模应用程序可能就足够了。In these cases, a simpler modeling application may suffice.

否则怎么又会有“人生得以知己足矣”的感叹!How else would have" life can be confidant suffice " plaint!

如果上帝使你的敌人苦恼,当然你就应该知足了。If God afflict your enemies, surely that ought to suffice you.

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表述在虔诚的布道中的支吾可能不再足够。Prevarication couched in pious homilies may no longer suffice.

有时候,做一个有趣的亿万富翁就足够了。Sometimes just being an interesting billionaire has to suffice.

难道我没有明白地说,加入少许水蛭的汁液就够了吗?Didn't I state plainly that a dash of leech juice would suffice?