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大儿是律师,以前是检察官。Old son is lawyer, was a public procurator.

证据由地方检察官提出。Evidence is adduced by the procurator fiscal.

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他因向检察长行贿而被警方拘捕。He was arrested for subsidizing the chief procurator.

检察机关自侦案件缺乏有效制约。The procurator agency is short of effective restraint from spying law case.

检察官“官阶”设计上的行政化。Public procurator " official's rank " designs the administration getting on.

第四十七条检察官提出申诉和控告,应当实事求是。Article 47 The petition or complaint made by a public procurator shall be true to facts.

本条例旨在为鲍思高慈幼会香港司理成立为法团而订定条文。To provide for the incorporation of the Procurator in Hong Kong of the Salesian Society.

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检察制度是现代法治的标志之一,检察官更是被称为法律守护人。Procurator system is a sign of law rule, and public prosecutor is also called Law Tutelary.

主诉检察官办案责任制是对我国原有检察制度的重大突破。The main-suit procurator system is an important breakthrough in the China's procuratorial system.

阿布列林。阿不列孜曾是新疆维吾尔族自治区哈密地区的一名法官和检察官。Ablin Abliz is a former judge and procurator in Hami prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

赋予检察机关提起民事公益诉讼的权利,在一定程度上是对私权的干预和损害。It intervenes and violates the private rights to some extent that procurator organ initiate civil lawsuit.

原最高人民检察院检察长贾春旺在郑元豹董事长陪同下参观人民电器集团。Supreme People's Procuratorate chief procurator Jia Chunwang visit Group accompany by Zheng Yuanbao board chairman.

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控辩平衡,作为刑事诉讼法的一项原则是平等观念在刑事诉讼法领域的体现。The equality of procurator and defense, as a principle of criminal procedure law, embodies the concept of equality.

其次,在实践中,要转变传统观念和作法,加强检、法自身制度建设。Secondly, in practice we must change traditional ideas and actions, and strengthen the procurator system and the court.

本文分析了我国行政诉讼检察监督权的缺陷,并提出了进一步完善行政诉讼监督的设想。This article analyses the defects in the present system and proposes some methods to improve procurator superintendence.

本条例旨在为方济会爱尔兰省香港总务长成立为法团而订定条文。To provide for the incorporation of the Procurator in Hong Kong of the Irish Province of the Order of Franciscans Minor.

哥伦比亚监察总长埃德加多?玛雅访问中国,为两国建立更强壮的经济和社会关系。Colombia's Procurator General Edgardo Maya visited China to build stronger economic and social ties between the two nations.

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代理人的头衔很会授给一些小行省的总督,但这点最后在下一节讨论。The title procurator is also given to a minor gubernatorial posistion, but this could better be discussed among the next category.

而基于效率的考虑,不起诉决定应该具有确定的法律效力,以形成对检察机关和当事人诉讼行为的有效约束。A non-prosecution decision should have some legal forces to restrain the lawsuit actions of the procurator organ and the litigants.

而基于效率的考虑,不起诉决定应该具有确定的法律效力,以形成对检察机关和当事人诉讼行为的有效约束。A non-prosecution decision should have some legal forces to restrain the lawsuit actions of the procurator organ and the litigants.