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我是不允许无纪律的。I do not permit insubordination.

约翰因违抗命令而被开除。John was dismissed for insubordination.

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我们将因他违抗命令而把他开除出部队。We shall drum him out of the corps for insubordination.

你们干吗在这里煽动骚动的叛乱呀。What are you up to inciting mutiny and insubordination?

不服从命令的就等着上军事法庭!Company C Commander Insubordination is grounds for a court-martial!

这次争端是由解雇一名不服从命令的工人引起的。The dispute was touched off by the dismissal of a workman for insubordination.

一个短暂的时间内,游行者违抗命令似乎是有道理的。For a brief period of time, the marchers ' insubordination appeared to be justified.

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他的执着在他安特卫普奥运赛场上,了回报,他赢得重剑团体的金牌。His insubordination paid off when he won a gold medal in the team épée event in Antwerp.

“那当然!”国王对他说,“它们立即就得服从。我是不允许无纪律的。”"Certainly they do, " the king said. "They obey instantly. I do not permit insubordination. "

作为姬丽叶的哥哥,他也接受尼禄作为家中的一员,但对于尼禄的不服管很有意见。As Kyrie's brother he too has accepted Nero into his family despite the youth's insubordination.

他们第一次见面是在每个反抗者服务30天的麦金太尔营监狱里。Their first meeting was in the brig at Camp McIntyre while serving 30 days apiece for insubordination.

政府的报纸冷淡地写道,某些球员如何被勒令“退休”,作为对其不服从的处罚。Government newspapers wrote chillingly about how certain players had been 'retired' in punishment for their insubordination.

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显然,美国的女孩子要安全一点,但是我的朋友们对他们父母的无礼和叛逆往往使我感到震惊。Apparently, American girls were safer, but I was forever shocked by my friends’ brashness and their insubordination to their parents.

由于麦克里斯特尔那麦克阿瑟式的以下犯上——不仅抗命不尊,还蔑视文官掌控军队,那一刻奥巴马本可以把他给革职了的。That was the moment Obama could have fired McChrystal for MacArthur’s offense – insubordination and defiance of civilian control of military policy.

Reay说她退了一步叫她母亲拿来了另一套衣服,但是那时学校官员已经因其不服从管理而将其停学。Reay said she relented and called her mother to bring a different outfit, but by then school officials had already suspended her for insubordination.

如果这种不合作的情况持续到季后赛,那么桑德斯管不住球队这一问题则会再次露出端倪。And if that kind of insubordination continues in the playoffs, the questions will surface all over again concerning Saunder's control over this Detroit team.

1973年,在洛杉矶,一名秘书因为拒绝泡咖啡,而被公司以“缺乏能力、不服从上级指示、未能按指示完成工作”为由辞退了。In Los Angeles in 1973, one Leonor Pendleton was fired for “incompetence, insubordination and failure to comply with job instructions” after refusing to make coffee.

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一般而论,主不为其子民在旷野里供应肉食,乃是因祂知道,采用此种食物是会产生疾病及背逆的。As a general thing, the Lord did not provide His people with flesh meat in the desert, because He knew that the use of this diet would create disease and insubordination.

7世纪中期,英国革命期间,国王被处决,一个非君主制的共和国政府建立了起来,弥尔顿实际上创造出了一套正式词汇,一套用来表述“反抗“的文学词汇。Now in the middle years of the seventeenth century during the English revolution that saw the execution of the king and saw the establishment of a non-monarchic republican government, Milton had practically invented the formal language, the literary language, of insubordination.