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腹壁被分层切开。The abdominal wall was incised layer by layer.

切开的眉毛是在形状的箭头。The eyebrows are incised in the shape of chevrons.

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切割体是一种挖切式组合体。An incised solid is a sort of built-up solid chamfered.

这块玉上刻着他的名字,并被用作他的印章。This piece of gem was incised with his name and used as his seal.

我们旅行到一处高原,高原被深深的河谷切断。We traveled to a plateau that had been deeply incised by streams.

古河道由水流切割而侵入下伏的红色粉砂岩中。Channels are incised by streams into the underlying red siltstones.

我担心诗人会否被生活的纸锋割伤。I am worried if the poet could be incised wound by the paper’s edge.

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看看这皮肤被切开的多整齐,一点也没有参差。Noticehow cleanly this skin has been incised? There are no jags at all.

底面平,圆形,上阴线饰涡纹和流云纹等。The circular base is incised with spiral lines and cloud-shape pattern.

在腹直肌切口外侧切开肌肉和筋膜层。The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision.

总结了研究区下切谷和辫状河三角洲的沉积模式。Depositional models of the incised valley and braid delta were summed up.

自杀性切伤特有的部位是颈部、腕部或脚踝。Suicidal incised wounds are characteristically on the neck, wrists, or ankles.

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是国内唯独的阴刻为主,阳刻为辅的彩色点染类剪纸。Is the only incised mainly carved category supplement color dyed paper cutting.

他的脚出现在双方的支柱,他的手是前切上。His feet appear on the sides of the pillar and his hands are incised on the front.

他们还拥有奇异的青铜镜,在镜子的反面刻有神话故事的场面。There are amazing bronze mirrors, too, with scenes from mythology incised on the back.

太行山、燕山山地中的深切曲流河谷形成于第四纪。In the Tathang and Yan Mountains, incised and meandering valleys formed in Quarternary.

两侧臀部各做一斜行切口,并向股后侧延伸。Incised an oblique cut on the bilateralis buttocks and extended to thepost of the femoris.

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不只是肝脏,腹壁、肠系膜和皮肤伤口边缘都在出血。Not just the liver, but also the abdominal wall, the mesentery. The incised edges of skin.

其他主题包括人字形图案和与其他地区的几何形状切割平稳。Other motifs include herringbone patterns and other geometric shapes of smooth and incised areas.

早期的定窑是分开烧制的,个别的经过雕刻切割。Early Ding wares were fired in separate saggars, with each piece having been incised individually.