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有向图d是单连的。A digraph D is unilateral.

合同可以是双边的或单边的。A contract is either bilateral or unilateral.

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斯里兰卡叛军宣布单边停火。Sri Lankan rebels declare unilateral cease-fire.

两个病例有多节段单侧滑脱。Two patients had multilevel unilateral spondylolysis.

鱼体异常弯曲,同时单侧肾脏开始肿大。Fish abnormal curved while unilateral kidneys began to swell.

目的探讨单侧唇裂初次修复术的技术改进。Objective To improve the repair technique of unilateral cleft lip.

环氧树脂浸涂包封,单向引出。Coated and encapsulated with epoxide resin, and unilateral lead-out.

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而接下来的一系列“单边行动”则属于纯粹的“先斩后奏”。The next series of " unilateral action" is a pure "execution before.

实施单边项目将有可能使CER获得二级或现货市场的最大收益。To maximum benefits of CERs, the unilateral project will be an option.

潘基文也说现在是时候让以色列考虑单方面的停战。Ban also said it was time for Israel to consider a unilateral ceasefire.

专制型领导者倾向于单方面做出决策,支配工作方法。Autocratic leaders tend to make unilateral decisions, dictate work methods.

有些楼盘的广告片面追求轰动效应,虚多实少。Some of the advertising market unilateral sensationalism , but it is small.

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用单方面的关税壁垒来敲打中国让人感觉良好-实际却使事情更糟。Slapping China with unilateral tariffs would feel good—and make matters worse

目的观察肾碎裂伤后两种修补方法的疗效。Aim To study the effects of two repairing methods on unilateral kidney rupture.

他们认为,我们采用的方法应该是,单方面和武力的。Because that they think the means we should employ are unilateral and militaty.

按形式分,合同有双务和单务两种。If we classify contracts by their forms, they are either bilateral or unilateral.

库尔德工人党已加强其单方面停火结束上个月的攻击。The PKK has stepped up attacks after ending its unilateral cease-fire last month.

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我们要报告一例以腹部肿瘤表现并单侧肋膜转移。We report a case pre-senting as abdominal masses with unilateral pleural seeding.

技术理性批判是对技术理性片面发展的批判。Criticism of technological reason means to criticize unilateral development of it.

在大华单方面退出之后,俱乐部积极寻找新的冠名。In the unilateral withdrawal from the Dahua, the club actively seeking a new title.