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她正冷得发抖。She was shivering.

我冷得打哆嗦。I'm shivering with cold.

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他浑身都在打颤。The friend is shivering.

冻得他哆嗦开了。He was shivering with cold.

他颤抖地爬上床。He crept shivering into bed.

我看着这一切,虽然感觉冷得发抖,却也幸福快意。I watched, shivering and happy.

颤抖的尸体回避著阳光。Shivering carcass shuns the light.

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天儿太冷了,我直打寒战。It is so cold that I keep shivering.

我冷得不停打哆嗦。I can't stop shivering from the cold.

他冻得直哆嗦。He was so cold that he kept shivering.

还有一个颤抖的去了法罗群岛。One is shivering in the Faroe Islands.

发抖的牧师身着白袍。The shivering Chaplain robed in white.

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幻觉的痉挛在胸口振颤。Visionary tics shivering in the chest.

他们紧紧地抱在一起,冷得直发抖。They clung together, shivering with cold.

在这寒星颤抖的深夜。Deep at night shivering with chilly stars.

天气冷极了,我们全部打着哆嗦。It was so cold that we were all shivering.

这孩子冷得浑身发抖。The child is shivering all over with cold.

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他和我谈话的时候,他的腿发抖。He was talking to me with his lags shivering.

我们的敌人此时一定怕得要命。Our enemies must be shivering in their shoes.

尽管天气酷热,我仍不禁瑟瑟发抖。In spite of the heat, I couldn’t stop shivering.