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甲壳纲的主要特征是什么?What are the main characteristics of Class Crustacea?

小龙虾和虾或龙虾一样,在科学上属于甲壳纲动物。Crawfish, like shrimp or lobsters, belong to the scientific Crustacea.

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小龙虾和虾或龙虾一样,在科学上属于甲壳纲动物。Crawfish, like shrimp or lobsters, belong to the scientific class Crustacea.

对雄性虾蟹的生殖营养及精子代谢作了综述。This paper reviews nutrition reproduction and sperm metabolism in male decapod crustacea.

本文调查了无锡电影胶片厂含银废水中浮游甲壳类的季节变化情况。Zooplanktonic Crustacea in some water bodies containing silver in Wuxi Cinefilm Factory was investigated.

福建沿海张网作业的渔获物包括鱼类、甲壳类和头足类,共计366种。The catch from coastal bag net operation in Fujian was composed of fish, crustacea and squid, 366 species in total.

本港出产的鱼类、贝介类和软体动物,品种繁多,可供贩卖的最少有150种。It has a very high diversity of fish, crustacea and molluscs , of which at least 150 species are of commercial importance.

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本文就甲壳动物卵黄磷蛋白的生化特性、合成部位及其它生物学功能等做一综合评述。In this paper, the biochemical character, synthetic site and other biological function of vitellin of Crustacea were reviewed.

海底土中有着数量丰富的软体动物、多毛类、甲壳类等底栖动物群落。Zoobenthic community is an important part of estuarine ecosystem, which comprises a broad assemblage of diverse forms, mostly Mollusca and Polychaeta, Crustacea.

本文是作者自1973年以来,在云南各地对鱼类寄生甲壳动物进行调查采集的初步整理。The present paper deals with preliminary systematic revision on survey to parasitic Crustacea in Yunnan, China, conducted since 1973. Altogether 130 species of fishes were examined.

湖泊生物种群少且生物量低,缺失蓝藻和腹足类、瓣鳃类、甲壳类动物等为其区别于一般中、碱性湖泊最显著的特点。Few species, low biomass and lack of blue green algae, Gastropoda, Lamellibranchia and Crustacea are most notable characteristics distinguished from general neutral and alkaline lakes.