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导线要接地。Conductor earthing.

它们是热的不良导体。They are bad conductor.

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木头系不良导体。Wood is a poor conductor.

塑料是不良导体。Plastic is a poor conductor.

那个售票员很友好。The conductor is very friendly.

我到哪里可以找到车长呢?Where can I find the conductor?

我每年夏天都做导游工作。I'm a tourist conductor summers.

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一名柴油列车列车长又该如何是好?Or a conductor on a diesel train?

货物列车的守车,苏澳站。A conductor car for freight train.

你知道列车长在哪里吗?Do you knw where the conductor is?

木头是声音的不良导体。Wood is a poor conductor of sound.

铜是热的良导体。Copper is a good conductor of heat.

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你知道列车长在哪里吗?。Do you know where the conductor is?

一个公车售票员抓住了罪犯。A bus conductor caught the criminal.

你知道车长在哪里?Do you know where the conductor is ?

他向售票员买了一张票。He asked the conductor for a ticket.

你看到那边的售票员了吗?Can you see the conductor over there?

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检查隔水管密封圈。Check the seal ring of the conductor.

我派你做指挥I'm going to have you be a conductor.

可是这古乐需要指挥吗?But does this really need a conductor?