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这两人紧握拳头向他进逼过来。Menace with one's fist clenched.

过度饮酒是一种社会公害。Excessive drinking is a social menace.

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一语双关,威胁之意毕现。A pass, the idea of menace finishes now.

我是个危险人物,我是牙医,是口腔保健师。I'm a menace , a dentist, an oral hygienist.

在干燥的天气里,深林火灾是一个巨大的威胁。In dry weather forest fires are a great menace.

在他鬼鬼祟祟的威胁中有一种恶魔的气质。There’s a touch of demon in his stealthy menace.

对于我们的设备来说,宇宙射线也是一个威胁。For our technology, cosmic rays are a menace too.

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在理工大学之外,似乎弥漫着一种威胁的空气。There's an air of menace outside the Polytechnic.

高尔夫界的浮渣、粘液、威胁!Scum, mess, slime, menace to the golfing industry!

这种威胁不允许公众谈论它。This menace permits no public reference to itself.

我们不应再谈论关于放射性微尘的危害。We should stop talking about the menace of fallout.

他说,木星是个救世主,但还是一个大魔头。Jupiter is just as much a menace as a savior, he said.

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当你被拒绝时,你会变成一个受胁迫的人或是一个有害的人。You turn into a menace or a pest when you've been rejected.

纯粹是一个威胁——一个你所选择的,殃及我们所有人的危险分子。Except a menace —a danger you've chosen to inflict on all of us.

战争威胁来自他们称霸世界的企图。The war menace grows out of their attempt to dominate the world.

不论是外部网还是内部网的网络都会受安全问题的影响。Both the exterior net & Intranet are facing the menace of safety.

她听出领导话里的威胁,这是她最害怕的。She got the menace of his words, which was the most dreadful thing.

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三者的任一不足或偏废,都可能威胁到政治稳定的局面。Any problem in any one of three facts will menace political situation.

我的小表弟是个过动儿,他总是充满精力。My youngest cousin is " Dennis the Menace ", he's always full of energy.

我们曾视中国为“黄祸”,继而视之为“红色威胁”。We once thought of China as the "yellow peril" and then the "red menace."