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那条道路肯定泥泞不堪。The road must be slushy.

估计今年冬天将雨雪纷飞、泥泞不堪。Predictably the winter will be snowy, sleety and slushy.

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是的,而且这个技能的动画相当酷,会让你感到如身临其境般的寒冷。Yeah, and it's really cool looking. Feels very slushy and cold.

汽车在市区路上行驶缓慢,穿越泥泞的雪地。Vehicles slowed to a crawl on city roads, navigating slushy snow.

我所看到的是九月翠绿色泥泞的田野。What I saw were the slushy fields which were jade green in September.

一个很好的清洁,是值得的,但不可避免地导致大规模的泥泞的淤泥被删除。A good clean is well worth the effort but inevitably results in a mass of slushy muck being removed.

当这发生时,冬天熔化入一个无能为力的泥泞的水坑很像这个容器冰和水在我们之前。When this happens, Winter melts away into a helpless slushy puddle much like this container of ice and water before us.

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街道为恶作剧的阳光弄成泥淖,残雪上面画着片片践踏的痕迹。The streets had become slushy by exposure to the prankish sun, and the thawing snow was dotted with traces of footsteps.

美国最后的猎鲸人,阿拉斯加原住民身着海象皮大衣,沿海岸线泥泞的水域,弓腰,候鲸。The last whale hunters in the United States, native Alaskans ply slushy waters off the state's coast in a walrus-skin boat.

雨后,赵师傅正准备出车,他注意到刚洗过的车被灰黑色黏土状的东西覆盖了。After the rain, as Zhao was about to start work, he noticed his recently washed car was covered with a gray, slushy substance.

但这部影片也遇到了意想不到的挑战,即袭击美国东北部的暴风雪和上周五晚间举行的世界职业棒球大赛第七场的比赛。But it faced unexpected challenges from both the slushy snowstorm that walloped the Northeast and Friday night's World Series Game 7.

然而,再设想,如遇在一个泥泞的冬日,爱车在路上抛锚,自身血糖也飙升,这样如能再保持开心乐观的心情却恐怕难得。It's quite another to remain steadfastly upbeat on a slushy winter day when your car's broken down, and your blood sugar is too high.

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他们有时滑雪代步,有时步行,有时则乘坐皮艇,越过无数交错着雪泥覆盖小路的浮冰迷宫。Traveling sometimes by skis, sometimes on foot, sometimes in kayaks, they negotiated endless mazes of rafted ice intersected by slushy leads.

在位,当他去,深深呼吸以后,执行者在他们到达下来入泥泞的水并且托起他的手,会集冰和水。After a bit of deep breathing, the performer reaches down into the slushy water and cups his hands, gathering ice and water in them as he goes.

把天当做最平常的一天来对待,你不躲过收音机和电视机节目中那些情意绵绵的对白。Treat the day just like any other. Although you may have to avoid listening to the radio or watching TV which will be swamped with slushy programmes.

不过,不时有汽车绕过泥泞却堪行的弗拉特布什大道转到我们这条街道上,一辆接一辆地驶过来,然后全部堵在了街区以北的半道上。Instead, one car after another turned off Flatbush Avenue, which was slushy but passable, and onto our street, where they were all brought to a standstill halfway up the block.

哥伦比亚男子竞技魔术系列拥有您所有的功能需要,让您最深切的感受运动的美丽。The Columbia Men's Rodeo Magic Shell has all the features needed to keep you dry whether you're riding on a slushy spring day or taking rag-doll diggers in the season's deepest powder.