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马克被提名为司库。Mark is the nominee for Treasurer.

埃玛被提名为司库。Elma was the nominee for Treasurer.

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司库面临盗窃的指控。The treasurer is facing a charge of theft.

公司出纳携款潜逃了。The company treasurer absconded with the funds.

司库携俱乐部的全部款子潜逃。The treasurer ran off with all the club's funds.

司库盗用了俱乐部2000英镑。The treasurer embezzled 2000 of the club 's money.

财务主管带着公司的钱潜逃了。The treasurer has eloped with the company's funds.

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琼斯夫人继史密斯先生任会计。Mr. Smith was succeeded by Mrs. Jones as treasurer.

彼得科斯特洛从1996年至2007年联邦司库。Peter Costello was federal treasurer from 1996 to 2007.

因为他是这个学校的司库和管事。Because he is treasurer and manager of the establishment.

——罗伯特.布罗克赫斯特牧师是司库。Rivers? -- the Rev. Robert Brocklehurst is the treasurer.

司库携公司工资总额之部分潜逃了。The treasurer decamped with part of the company's payroll.

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该出纳由于挪用公司资金而被捕。The treasurer was arrested for appropriating company funds.

财务主管拒绝放弃俱乐部的财权。The Treasurer refused to let go of the club's purse strings.

那个不诚实的出纳员盗用了俱乐部的公款。The treasurer was expelled from the club for breaking the rules.

掷交出纳执事,约一周后可领取支票。Submit to church treasurer. The turn-around time is about a week.

财务主管将在年度大会上显示账目。The treasurer will be presenting the accounts at the annual meeting.

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一位Doral前出纳员因为投资欺诈嫌疑在上月受到FBI调查。A former Doral treasurer was indicted for investment fraud last month.

我们结识之后,他同意做我的竞选财务主任。After we got acquainted, he agreed to serve as the campaign treasurer.

这是古代“账房”的蜡像,类似我们今天的会计。This is the waxwork of ancient "treasurer", just like today accountant.