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指出了高超音速导弹天线罩技术的发展方向。The prospects of hypersonic missile radomes are given at last.

它适用于超音速和低的高超音速范围,并可用于中等攻角和侧滑角。It is valid in the range of supersonic and low hypersonic speeds.

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我们知道如何让飞机进入大气层并以高超音速飞行。We know how to insert the aircraft into atmospheric hypersonic flight.

该系统将能够摧毁超音速和弹道目标。The system will be capable of destroying hypersonic and ballistic targets.

建立了基于参数方法的高超声速巡航飞行器MDO模型。A hypersonic cruise vehicle MDO model based on parametric method is established.

另一份4月的文章得出了高超音速武器“是一项新型的空天威胁”的结论。A second paper from April concluded that hypersonic weapons pose "a new aerospace threat."

为了提升高超声速飞行器单壁膨胀喷管的升力和推力,对其进行了优化设计。The SERN of a hypersonic vehicle was designed for improving the lift and propulsion force.

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帐号、权限和审计信息存储于一个嵌入式Hypersonic数据库中。The account, privilege and audit information is stored in an embedded Hypersonic database.

因此,它在跨声速和超声速流的实验研究中得以广泛地应用。Thus it was extensively applied to experimental research of transonic and hypersonic flow.

发展了一种基于分析法的高超声速乘波构型飞行器前体设计方法。A new method of quickly generating hypersonic waverider forebody configurations was developed.

此外,T-50战机可以在高超音速状态下启动发射存于弹仓内的导弹。In addition, the T-50 can fire the missiles hidden in internal departments at hypersonic speed.

高超音速流动呈现出与一般超音速流很多不同的现象,其中关键的是真实气体效应。Hypersonic flows have many different phenomena, and the real-gas effects are the most important.

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过去一个月时间以来,中美都对新型高超音速武器系统进行了测试。China and the U. S. have both conductedtests of new hypersonic weapons systems over the past month.

引擎将高超音速飞机带向空气密度、阻力比较稀少的高度。That engine would carry the hypersonic craft to an altitude where air density and resistance are less.

如此快的飞行速度可能要归功于飞机特制的火箭引擎,一种超音速高压喷射装置。Achieving that speed is possible thanks to the craft's specialized rocket engine, a hypersonic scramjet.

该研究简报介绍了用膨胀波管产生高超声速气流的实验结果。This brief communication introduces an experiment of hypersonic flow using high enthalpy expansion tube.

陆战队员们通常情况下都装备着C-14‘穿刺者’高斯来福枪,能够以超音速射出8毫米的‘金属刺’。Marines are normally armed with C-14 Impaler gauss rifles that fire 8mm metal "spikes" at hypersonic speeds.

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美国国家航空航天局计划进行再一次的11秒超音速试飞,这次会以10倍于音速的速度进行。The agency has plans for another 11-second hypersonic flight , this time at 10 times the speed of the sound.

两门主要武器是质量驱动炮,能发射高超音速榴弹。The two primary armaments are mass-driver cannons capable of propelling projectiles to hypersonic velocities.

乘波构型因其较大的升阻比性能被视为高超声速飞行器的理想气动外形。The waverider configuration is considered as the ideal aerodynamic configuration for hypersonic flight vehicle.