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诺亚信靠了神。Noah trusted God.

艾莉会为了诺亚放弃罗恩吗?Will Allie leave Lon for Noah?

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诺亚真是上帝赐予的呢!Noah is truly, truly a God-send.

他是诺亚,还是我们是卡努王?Is he Noah or are we King Canute?

诺亚毁灭了所多玛与蛾摩拉。Noah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

何时嘉信才能开车带我出去兜风?。When will you give me a ride, Noah?

洪水以后,挪亚又活了三百五十年。After the flood Noah lived 350 years.

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诺亚看了看表,八点十二了。Noah checked his watch. Eight twelve.

接着,诺亚为上帝修了一座祭坛。Then Noah built an altar to the Lord.

诺亚就是在那些古老传说中找到的。Noah finds his roots in older legends.

挪亚却没有,他全心全意地顺服神。Noah didn't. He obeyed God wholeheartedly.

为何诺亚不将蚊子/曱甴拒于方舟外?Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

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诺亚陪我一同朝罗丝的住处走去。Noah walked with me toward Rose’s quarters.

诺亚立刻建造了一个石头祭坛。Straightaway, Noah built an altar of stones.

但罗尔·邓和诺亚联手制止了詹姆斯的行动。Luol Deng and Joakim Noah put a stop to that.

诺亚和尼亚夫重4镑,梅西只有2镑重。Noah and Niamh weighed 4lb and Maisy just 2lb.

挪亚也要在方舟里建房间和小隔间。Noah was to build rooms, or stalls, in the ark.

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诺亚·汤森特的确不再担任内科主任。Noah Townsend did step down as chief of medicine.

挪亚生了三个儿子,就是闪,含,雅弗。And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

挪亚共活了九百五十岁就死了。Altogether, Noah lived 950 years, and then he died.