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她很好强,又试了一次。Not to be outdone she tried again.

哇哦,你现在真的超越自己了。Wow, you really outdone yourself now. I know.

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维耶里也不甘落后,奋力攻入了第三粒进球。Vieri was not to be outdone and added a third of his own.

阿德尔了超越自己,每一个期望阿拉斯泰过他!Adel had outdone himself and every expectation Alastair ever had of him!

我们是世界上最强大的国家,但英国、法国和西班牙已经在赶超我们。We, the most powerful nation, are being outdone by England, by France and Spain.

员工们兴致勃勃,积极踊跃,每一个都不甘示弱。Employees in high spirits, and actively enthusiastic, each one not to be outdone.

詹姆斯·马佐尼·道尔顿上士不甘屈居于自己的美国队友之下,他在一天内跑了86英里。Refusing to be outdone by an American, Army Staff Sgt James Mazzoni-Dalton ran 86 miles.

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我得赞美这次美味的复活节盛宴!珍妮特,你这次是超常发挥。My compliments on this delicious Easter feast! You have outdone yourself this time, Janet.

陈不甘示弱从背后抽出水果刀,朝卢猛刺,行凶后携刀逃逸。Chen outdone out from behind a fruit knife, North Korea Lu stabbed, assailant fled after carrying knives.

在支持更严厉的环境标准上,韦克斯曼和博克瑟一直都是其党内的领军人。Mr Waxman and Mrs Boxer have long outdone most of their party in supporting tougher environmental standards.

所以由10岁或11岁起,他也不甘示弱,更愿意尝试新的食物。By the age of 10 or 11, he didn’t want to be outdone by his sister and was far more willing to try new foods.

那么灿烂,那么明亮,那么柔和,那么繁复,生命温和的颜色在世界的颜色面前甘拜下风。So bright, so light, so soft, so mingled, the gentle colour of life is outdone by all the colours of the world.

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这个赛季罗那尔多又一次超越了自己,刚刚在一月份,他就超过了上个赛季一个赛季的进球数。This season Ronaldo has outdone himself once again, passing last term's tally before January has even finished.

但是到1667年,伦敦外科医生的法国同行让·巴蒂斯特·丹尼斯已经超越了他们。But by 1667, London surgeons were already being outdone by one of their French counterparts, Jean-Baptiste Denis.

但是随着印度郊区电视的普及,他的纸牌魔术的吸引力日渐下降,败给了电视节目。The appeal of his card tricks issteadily dwindling, outdone by the wizardry of television, availablenow throughout rural India.

随后,他的队友全明星中锋霍华德不甘落后,在微博上宣布打响”趴街之战”。Not to be outdone by his friend and teammate, All-Star center Dwight Howard responded with a tweet that read, "Plank waaaaaaarrrr."

它的网页跟谷歌基本无二致,但是在涉及到处理国情特色的问题上,百度比谷歌做的更好。Its web page looks remarkably like Google’s, but Baidu has outdone Google when it comes to dealing with the country’s peculiarities.

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从而导致全球规模的环境灾难,那么我们将会因为狂妄自大而真的毁掉自己。And this leads to an environmental catastrophe on a global scale, then we will really have outdone ourselves in the art of arrogance.

比南达科他州有过之无不及,印第安纳州更进一步,对于避孕和流产都进行了限制。Not to be outdone by South Dakota, Indiana has gone a step further and moved toward attacking both contraception and abortion access.

然而,军博房展也不甘示弱地表示早有“王牌”在手,不怕国贸房展来抢客户。However, that has won numerous are also not willing to be outdone in the "trump card" in hand, not merely trade exhibitions customers.